Page 41 of Monster's Obsession

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Because I was reasonably certain once he knew that I was being hunted by my own father, Asmoday wasn’t going to want a thing to do with me.

Even though there was no way I could possibly move to the elfin forest with him, the idea that he’d push me away was making me unaccountably sad. I wasn’t used to feeling emotional over another person. It had always been my mother and me against the world—or, more accurately, against my father—and other than grieving her death, I’d not ever had to worry about catching feelings for someone.

Let’s not even get into the fact that I may or may not be catching feelings for a freaking lust demon.

Who was also part elf.

Who was supposed to, at some point, create a baby or two to carry on his legacy.

Who I was pretty sure had hopes that I might be the other half in that whole baby creation process.

And I thought my life was complicated when all I was doing was trying to outrun my father.

We were on the second-floor landing, overlooking the crowd of students and faculty all huddled in the main entry, when the building started to shudder and shake again. This time, it lasted for what felt like a century but was really maybe thirty seconds. But thirty seconds was a crazy long time when you were worried that the stone and magically reinforced building you were in was about to collapse around your ears.

Plaster rained down from the high ceiling. Clouds of dust exploded all around us. The armor from a medieval knight on display in the main hall—because this was apparently a requirement in every castle everywhere—fell forward, the metal arms caging a couple of students who hadn’t moved out of the way fast enough. The pendulum on the grandfather clock swung wildly, until it broke free and zoomed across the room. Students ducked and dove out of the way, and the round disk crashed into the mirror in the corner, shattering it.

More screaming ensued as students moved like a wave, trying to determine the safest place to huddle together. “Outside,” someone shouted, and a cluster of them rushed toward the main entrance.

I gave Krishna a little shove. “Go. Wolf out and follow those other students. We’ll be fine.”

“Nuh-uh. I’m staying with you.”

“Demons are way less destructible than werewolves,” I pointed out. “Seriously, we’re right behind you.”

He stubbornly shook his head. I was about to use my mom voice—which was weird because nope, not mom material. But damn it, I did not want Krishna to be injured or worse over some stupid vendetta Selina had against me.

The door swung open.

I got distracted.

By the tall, debonair man dressed in a tailored black suit, with a head of thick, slicked back dark hair that revealed a sharp widow’s peak. His eyes were black under bushy, dark brows. A shadow of stubble circled his mouth, which curled into a smirk as his gaze scanned the crowd.

Behind him, the bridge over the moat was jammed with demons, some in human form, most in their natural, highly disturbing forms.

The students and professors in the main hall all squeezed together, like that might help protect them from this intruder.

His gaze finally reached me.

He spread his arms wide. His grin widened too.

“Ah, there’s my spawn!”


“Spawn?”I repeated, canting my head while I continued to study the man standing in the doorway, preening like he’d just won the presidential election. “Is that…?”

“The devil?” Daruka said on an aggravated sigh. “Yes.”

My head whipped around, my stare shifting to her. “You’re the spawn of Satan? Literally?”

Daruka grimaced and made a half-ass wave toward the guy standing in the doorway. “Meet my dad.”

He wiggled his fingers. Satan apparently had excellent hearing.

“Hello, sir,” I said, bowing my head. What the hell else was I supposed to do? It was the freaking devil—I was part demon, so I technically was one of his minions.

And also, I’d just banged his daughter a few days ago, and I not only wanted to do it again, I wanted to do it on the regular for the rest of our lives.
