Page 48 of Monster's Obsession

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“Are you willing to bribe your professor?”

“Do professors take bribes?”

“This one does.” He paused. “From you, anyway.”

I chuckled and slipped into his lap, curling up there like a kitten before pecking his cheek. “I missed you last night.”

It was the first day of classes. My second year at Blackthorn Academy for Supernaturals. A mass of students would be pouring into this classroom in about an hour, ready to learn how mirror travel worked.

Asmoday brushed a lock of hair away from my face. “I missed you too. I got used to waking up with you in my bed. I may be addicted to it, actually.”

He had finally decided to graduate last spring. Well, more accurately, the headmistress had insisted. And then she’d offered him a job as the new professor of Magical Travel. Something about him being an expert at figuring out how to get in and out of the castle undetected.

After graduation, we’d gone to visit the elfin forest. Lovely place, although I could see why Asmoday didn’t want to commit to managing it. It wasn’t nearly as interesting as this school.

His dad had been surprisingly thrilled by Asmoday’s announcement that he was taking a position at the academy, instead of returning to the forest. His father thought that’d be a perfect career for Asmoday. And then he promptly named Asmoday’s younger sister as the new manager of the elfin forest.

I admit, I was glad it had never occurred to Asmoday to simply ask his father if he could get out of becoming the forest manager. If he had, he might have left the academy after four years and gone on to pursue some other profession, and then we might never have met.

Now, not only was Asmoday about to start a career I had every confidence he would excel at, but last summer, after our visit with his family, we’d returned to Wellspring, rented a room at the Boar’s Nest Inn, and spent every night banging like, well, only a lust demon could manage.

But the fall semester meant he had his room and I had mine and—big shocker—students and faculty weren’t allowed to cohabitate.

“It’s going to be a long three years,” Asmoday murmured, his hands slipping under my skirt and up to cup my ass cheeks. “Why, Miss Montreau, you aren’t wearing undergarments.”

“Huh,” I said, tapping a finger against my lips. “I must have forgotten them.”

He lifted his chin, and I obligingly kissed him, that forked tongue slithering out and stroking into my mouth until I curled one arm around his neck and burrowed the other hand in his thick hair.

He broke the kiss to nip at my neck. “I think I may need to bend you over my desk.”

“I think you definitely should,” I replied, already panting. “When I forgot my panties this morning, I also took a dose of birth control.”

“Excellent.” He lifted me off his lap and turned me to face the desk. I pressed my palms to the smooth surface, and he lifted my skirt, flipping it up onto my back. Then I felt his fingers probing me. I was already soaking wet. I’d stroked myself earlier to thoughts of doing exactly this.

I shivered.

“Somebody likes the idea of getting fucked by their professor.” Two fingers slid into me, pumping. I heard the shift of material; he’d managed to get his pants unlatched one-handed.

I bit my lip, but a moan escaped anyway. “Only by one professor,” I managed to gasp out. Only ever one professor.

Only ever one man.

Abruptly, his fingers pulled away, and a scant moment later, he slammed into me, gripping my hips so I didn’t go careening across the desk.

“More,” I demanded, arching my back.

“There’s definitely more,” he promised, his hand sliding into my shirt so he could cup my breast.

He pumped steadily, that nubby extra dick tapping my clit as my nails curled against the smooth surface. “Fire and brimstone, getting fucked by my professor is so damn hot,” I crooned.

“Three years,” he said without breaking stride. “We get to do this for three years. Sneak around. In my classroom. In the broom closet. In this hidden alcove I found my second year here.”

“We should keep a running list. See how many different places we can defile in this place,” I suggested between pants and gasps.

He pumped a bit harder. My orgasm began to build. His extra dick gave my clit a stroke. Oh Hades!

“You. Are. So. Damn. Hot.” He accentuated his words with such strong thrusts that the desk inched forward underneath my palms.
