Page 20 of Valiant

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“Good. So, what will you do about it?” he asks.

“I have an idea!” Callum chimes in.

I gesture for him to tell all.

“Normally, I’m not one for playing games, but I think it might be a necessary evil in this situation. I know a little of Carter’s story, but before you ask, it’s not mine to tell. Based on the little knowledge of his situation, it’s enough that I can say with relative assurance that you should go on a date with someone else. Carter needs a nudge in the right direction and to see that you aren’t going to wait around for him forever. If you need help finding a date, I know a good matchmaker if you’re interested,” he winks.

I can’t help but laugh. Amelia, the matchmaker who brought Callum and my sister Callie together, would jump at the opportunity to set me up if I gave her the chance. Carter told me once that he used her services in the past but stopped after one date. He said he’s better ‘friend’ material than ‘boyfriend’ material. I didn’t think much of the self-deprecating comment at the time.

Trey throws a large bill down on the table. “I’ll put a hundred dollars in the charity jar if you go out with the next person that asks you out, Bryce excluded.”

“I don’t carry hundreds on me like Trey the Baller here, but I’ll match the donation.” Callum writes an IOU for $100 and sets it on top of Trey’s cash.

“Count me in!” exclaims Sebastian. He turns to me and says, “It doesn’t have to be a forever date, Leanna. It can be as simple as going for coffee and having a good conversation.”

“Fine, but only because it’s for a good cause.”

Who knew I’d have a date by the time lunch rolled around? I certainly didn’t, but yet that’s precisely what happens. Trey and I are returning from a call when I find my brother standing in the middle of the open bay door with his arms crossed and feet spread a few feet apart. If he wasn’t wearing a smug look, I might think we were in trouble.

After rolling down my window, I hang my head out and yell, “Move it or lose it!”

“You wouldn’t dare! You love me too much!”

I place one foot on the brake and the other on the gas, pressing lightly at the same time to rev the engine without lurching forward. It startles Sebastian enough that he moves out of the way quickly. I pull our rig into the spot and hop out, laughing at his shocked expression.

“I should write you up for misuse of department equipment and attempted assault on your superior,” he says deadpan.

I slide my arm around his waist and give it a little squeeze. “You wouldn’t dare! You lovemetoo much!” I tease. “Not to mention I have enough dirt on you to keep me safe from retribution until I’m 80.”

“I can’t argue with you there. Brody, Ansel, and I would have been in a lot more trouble if you and Daphne hadn’t covered for us, Callie and Isabella, too.”

Coming from a large family with seven children, it was hard for my parents to keep track of who was where and what each of us was supposed to be doing at any given point in time. All of us siblings looked after one another, but we also had each other’s backs.

“What put that Cheshire-like grin on your face?” Trey asks, joining us.

“I believe the charity jar is about to become $300 fatter.” My brother points to the lounge area in our building and then uses a feminine Southern drawl to tell us, “Leanna has a suitor waitin’ for her in the parlor.”

I scrunch my nose in confusion, not knowing who it could be. I look at my watch, wondering if Carter had enough time to return from his meeting in the city. It’s doable, but it would be a stretch.

“It’s not Carter if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“I thought you guys said that men weren’t mind readers!” I exclaim.

“Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But don’t give your brother too much credit. You’re as easy to read as a children’s storybook.” Trey laughs at his own joke before heading to the lounge area, my brother following him.

Sebastian looks over his shoulder at me, “Are you coming?”

“I’m not sure. Who is it?”

“The answer to who sent you the flowers! Come on. Let’s meet the man of the hour.”

I shake my head but trail behind them anyway. When I enter the lounge, a very handsome man who looks vaguely familiar stands up when he sees me.Hmm. Standing when a lady enters a room means that he has manners. I like it!

The gentleman in question holds a smaller version of what was delivered last week. When I look up at him, I notice he’s really tall and must be close to 6' 5" by my best estimation. Considering I’m 5' 10" barefoot and only come to his chin, it’s easy math. His sandy blonde hair and brown eyes stand out against the dark blue button-up shirt and khakis he’s wearing on his lean frame.

“Hi,” he says, handing me the flowers. He nervously wipes his hand on his pants before squaring his shoulders and clearing his throat. “My name is Joe.” He offers his hand, and I take it, grateful that it’s dry.

“I’m Leanna. Um. Thank you for the flowers. Are you the one that sent the bouquet last week?”
