Page 31 of Valiant

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“You got it in one.” Savannah’s smile looks more worried than pleasant. “I still think Mark is our most likely suspect because of the vandalism and threats. But it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Melissa may very well be the culprit. Joe is last on my list, but who knows? It’s the quiet ones that often surprise you.”

“Joe is the only one I’m aware of who has an idea where we will be,” I tell them in full disclosure. “Granted, it came up in conversation before all this stuff started happening, so I had no reason to think anything of it then. He’s supposed to attend a three-day conference at the Windam Mountain Ski Lodge and Expo Center.”

“I’ll go verify the information.” Patrick waves before turning on his heel to do just that.

“We should be going. I still have to pack since we’ll be leaving early tomorrow,” Carter informs me. Savannah takes that as her cue to leave.

“You don’t think we should talk about the elephant in the room?” I question.

“I do. Just not here. We’ll talk about it when we get home and have a little more privacy. Daphne will be staying with your parents tonight for that very reason.”

Before I can say anything, Ben walks up to us. “Carter, the equipment has been loaded into Nick and Elena’s SUV, so it doesn’t look odd for you to bring a large pelican case. It will be less obvious when offloaded with the rest of the bags. Call me if you need anything or additional support. Good luck and Godspeed.” Ben slaps Carter on the back and heads over to his wife.

We all leave and go our separate ways now that the meeting is finally over. Carter and I ride with Daphne since Carter’s truck is at the house, and mine is in the shop getting four new tires. Once we’re home, Carter takes my hand as we head up the stairs.

“May as well start now. You never know who could be watching,” he says as I give him a barely-there smile.

Having left the car idling, Daphne quickly grabs her luggage and we help her load it into the trunk. She gets in the driver’s seat, shuts the door, and rolls down her window. She doesn’t look over her shoulder, but she looks around with her eyes, making sure the coast is clear before she tells us what’s on her mind.

“Now that you two are in a…um…a relationship, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She cackles as she pulls out of the spot, driving away before either of us can say anything to her.

We both stand there in silence until I cross my arms over my chest and ask, “Are you ready to have the talk?”

Chapter seventeen


ThefirstthingIdo when we get inside the house is set the alarm and ensure all the cameras are working. I need to go through the feed and see if there’s anything that might help me identify who is perpetrating these acts against Leanna, but that can wait until later.

“Cocoa?” I don’t wait for her answer because she only ever gives me one. She’s always down for anything with chocolate. It doesn’t take long for me to have all the ingredients set out on the counter and the milk slowly warming in the pan.

“Are you buttering me up for some bad news, or are you making cocoa as an avoidance technique?”

“You know me better than that, Leanna.”

“I know. That’s why I’m asking the question. You don’t like to share freely and have an innate ability to deflect without anyone realizing it until it’s too late to circle back. But I’m on to you, Mister!” she teases.

I chuckle. “No. I thought it would be nice to have something warm to sip on while we talk, preferably something that won’t keep us up half the night. We have an early day tomorrow and should be well rested.” I stir the milk so that it doesn’t burn while slowly adding in the chocolate pieces.

When the chocolatey concoction is ready, I pour it into two large mugs. I add marshmallows for her and whipped cream for me. She giggles when the whipped cream sticks to the top of my lip.

She takes a long sip and then sighs, part in contentment for the delicious beverage and part in resignation. “Thank you. As always, this is really good. I’m going to miss this when this situation is over.”

“And why would you have to miss it? Are you planning on going somewhere?” I ask. If this works out as I hope, then she won’t need to go anywhere.

“Carter. Let’s be honest here. Pretending to be in a relationship will change the dynamics of our friendship. Even you have to admit that.” I bob my head in agreement but wait for her to continue. “I treasure what we have right now. I don’t want to lose that.”

“I understand. I don’t want to lose that either.”

“Good, then we’re in agreement that we shouldn’t do this,” she says, almost disappointed.

“Leanna, you’ve never been one to put words in my mouth. Please don’t do it now. I never said that I didn’t want to do this. Your safety and well-being are my primary concerns. I’m okay with our friendship changing if it means you’re around to be friends with.” I intend to make sure our friendship changes, but into something more, not something less.

I set my mug down on the counter and walk around the island so that we are standing face to face with nothing separating us. “When I said that the choice is yours, I meant it. If this isn’t something you’re willing to do, then we won’t do it. I’ll talk to Ben and figure out another way.”

She stares at me for a long moment, then lowers her gaze. “No. I’ll do it. But I’m scared, Carter.”

I tilt her chin up so her gaze meets mine. I don’t want her to shy away from answering my next question. “What are you scared of?”
