Page 37 of Valiant

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Leanna looks disappointed by my answer. “I had no idea so much went into protecting someone.”

“Did you want to go with them, Leanna? I can call Patrick and Savannah and have one of them on the slopes with you. If you stay with one of your brothers or Callum, it should be safe enough for you to join them.”

“That’s okay. Would you want some company while you scout out hiding spots? We can make it look like a romantic walk in the woods instead of you skulking around alone. If people see you doing that, they might think you’re the creeper,” she teases.

I mull over the idea in my head. Any time spent with Leanna is time well spent. There’s only one answer worth giving. “I’d love some company.”

Bundled up and ready to go, I hold out my hand for her to take. With our fingers entwined, we walk around the cabin and down the lengthy path. Along the way, I’ve identified several spots where someone could hide and have a good vantage point of the family cabin. We get to the edge of the property where the last cabin is located.

I do what any good boyfriend would do at this point. I pack some snow and throw it at Leanna. Not one to go down without a fight, she returns the favor. I chase her around as we dodge each other’s throws. Chests heaving from exertion, we stand ten paces away from one another, each armed with a snowball and ready to duel.

“On three?” I ask. She nods, and I start counting. “One, two…” Just as I’m about to say three, Leanna lobs her ammo at me at the same time the door behind me opens. I duck, and her snowball goes sailing over my head, hitting the man in the doorway.

Leanna runs toward the bottom of the stairs so she can apologize. “I’m so sor…”

Before she can finish, an angry voice booms, “Oh, you havegotto be kidding me! Haven’t you done enough?”

Chapter twenty


NoneotherthanMarkJenkins is standing in the doorway, face covered in snow that’s melting from the radiating heat of his anger. Carter tugs at my jacket and pulls me back while simultaneously moving to put himself between me and Mark. What are the odds that the one person who seems bent on revenge would not only be in the same area we’re staying but at the same resort?

“We apologize for the noise. We didn’t see a car in the driveway and weren’t aware this cabin was occupied. We’ll leave you alone to enjoy your time in peace.” Carter attempts to diffuse the situation and inch us back slowly, but my mouth gets the better of me.

“What are you doing here? Are you following me?” I feel Carter’s hand grip me tighter in an attempt to silence me and calm me down. It doesn’t work, and right now, I’m anything but calm.

“There is no car in the driveway because my children are in town stocking up on supplies. As for what I’m doing here,thatis none of your business!” Mark’s fury intensifies the more he speaks. “You let my father die, and then you come here and assault me! I suggest you leave now before something bad happens, Little Girl.” He edges back, and just before he slams the door shut, he yells, “Do not let me see you again, or else!”

Carter urges me to walk backward, doing the same. His eyes never leave the cabin until it’s out of sight. As soon as we are clear from view and obscured by trees, he stops while I keep walking. It takes me a second to register that he isn’t following me, but when I do, I turn and face him.

“Leanna, what were you thinking to accuse him of following you? Angering a suspect isn’t the smartest thing to do.”

“I’m not stupid, Carter. I’m upset. I’m irritated. I’m…”

“Scared?” he finishes for me. My response gets lodged in my throat, and I can only nod. A tear falls unbidden, and my body begins to shake uncontrollably. Whether it’s from the cold or fear, I’m not sure.

Carter pulls me into his arms and holds me while I cry, overwhelmed by my current predicament. What is supposed to be a fun family retreat is turning into my worst nightmare, with all three suspects within a stone’s throw of where we’re staying.

“Leanna, I promise I’ll keep you safe. Mark’s arrival doesn’t change anything. If I’m being honest, it’s almost better that he’s here since now we can keep an eye on him. I’ll put up a few trail cams tomorrow to monitor his comings and goings. We’ll be prepared if he or anyone else comes near you.”

Carter tilts my chin so I can meet his gaze. The depth of tenderness I see surprises me, although it shouldn’t. He’s always had a warrior’s spirit, a valiant knight always ready to face danger head-on to protect those he cares about.

He leans in slowly—his eyes never leaving mine—silently asking for permission. When my lids flutter and close, he has his answer. I’m not sure what to expect, but it isn’t the barely-there feel of his lips as they finally touch mine—teasing and tantalizing. He kisses me again with more confidence and urgency as if he’s been waiting as long as I have to feel this connection. My hands grip the front of his jacket as he continues to kiss me, his lips parting slightly so I can feel their warmth. Each brush of his mouth against mine carries a hint of promise that there’s more to come.

When he doesn’t kiss me the way I long for, I pull him closer, ready to take matters into my own hands.

“Aunt Leanna! There you are! We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” shouts Izzy as she runs up to us and hugs me. I try not to sigh at the intrusion, but maybe it’s for the best. I’m ready to declare my feelings for Carter when, for him, this is all fake. I won’t put myself out there, at least not until I know if his feelings for me are real.

“Hi, Sweetheart. What are you doing so far from the cabin?” I look around the area but don’t see anyone. “Why are you alone?”

“I’m not alone! Aunt Daphne, Aunt Callie, and Grandma are hiding behind that cabin right over there!” She points to the structure 100 yards away, in the direction that we’re heading. “They tried to stop me from coming to get you, but that’s why we came out here. They’re so silly. And can you believe that Marcus didn’t want to come? He wanted to build a fire with Grandpa so that when we get back, the cabin will be nice and toasty.”

“That’s very sweet of him, and he’s a good helper. And thank you, Izzy, for braving the cold weather to come find us. I don’t know if we would have made it back if it weren’t for you!”

“I know! That’s why I came along to find you. Nobody is better at hide-and-seek than me!” Her tiny hand wraps around mine, and she drags me behind her. I look over my shoulder at Carter and mouth“sorry”to him. His expression is one of amusement as he follows behind, listening to Izzy rattle on and on about the time Marcus couldn’t find her during one of their games.

We join up with Izzy’s cohorts in crime and finish the trek to the cabin together. Callie leans in just a fraction while still looking straight ahead, whispering, “Nothing about those kisses looked fake to me. Do I detect a shift in the dynamics of your relationship?”
