Page 40 of Valiant

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“We’re not engaged. But I know what you mean, Stella. When I first met Leanna, I knew she was something special and meant to be a part of my life. God puts people in our paths, sometimes for a moment and other times forever. She’s the forever type. Our relationship started out as friends, but now it’s turned into something more. We’re just trying to figure it all out.”

“I’m sure you’ll do just that. I have a sixth sense about these kinds of things, and the two of you are destined to be together. The love I see in your eyes is the kind of love that endures,” she tells us, and this time it’s me who’s beaming.

The bell on the door rings as more people start to come in. I see Patrick and Savannah holding hands, waiting to be seated.

“Let me get them seated, and I’ll grab you some coffee.” Stella takes off, leaving Leanna and me to stare at one another.

Leanna immediately begins to apologize. “I can’t believe I almost ruined everything.”

I reach for her hand across the table and wait for her to take it before I speak, keeping my voice low so we aren’t overheard. “You didn’t ruin anything, Lee. We’re so used to saying we’re ‘just friends’ that it’s become second nature.”

“Carter, I feel like I’m lying to everyone, and I don’t like it. It’s not me. It feels dishonest even though I know I need to do it for my safety. If there were another way, I’d jump on that train as long as it was the truth.”

An hour ago, I had planned to wait for her to declare her feelings for me before I told her how I felt, but now I’m rethinking my strategy. She might be as scared as I am to risk it all. I’ve never been a risk-taker when it comes to my heart, but it’s time to lay my cards on the table.

“I have another option, but I have to ask you a question first. I need your total honesty, regardless of my feelings. Can you promise me that?”

“I’ve never done anything less, Carter.”

“Is the lying the only reason you don’t like the current solution? Or does it also have to do with me?”

Leanna takes her time to answer the question, almost to the point I’m nervous to hear her answer. Who am I kidding? I’m totally nervous to hear her answer, and my palms are getting sweaty. I hope she doesn’t notice since I’m holding her hand.

She lowers her head, and my shoulders slump in disappointment. But then she takes a deep breath and raises her gaze to meet mine.

“It’s just the lying. Why? What’s your plan?”

I let out the breath that I had been holding and give her a timid smile. “My plan doesn’t involve any lying or deception, but it does require commitment. Would you consider doing this for real?”

“What do you mean?”

“Leanna, none of this has been fake for me. I’ve been head over heels in love with you for the past two years. My insecurities and fears may have stopped me from pursuing a relationship with you, but it didn’t mean that I didn’twantto. I have battled my desire to kiss you every day. Everything I told Stella about you and our relationship came from the heart.” There, I said it.

A slow smile forms on her lips, and a blush tinges her cheeks. She tucks a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and clears her throat. “I’m grateful that you wanted to be friends first and take the time to realize you are worthy enough to be loved. If you had suggested a relationship sooner, I don’t think it would have worked out simply because you weren’t ready. But while you were figuring things out, I also fell in love with you. I tried to respect the boundaries of our relationship, but I battled my desire to ask you to kiss me every day. Everything you said to Stella, I feel the same way.”

She said she loves me!

I bring her hand to my mouth and place several small kisses on it. “Then there’s only one thing left to do.”

“And what would that be?” she asks quietly.

“It’s time to step out of the friendzone.”

Chapter twenty-two


I’moncloudninethe entire drive back to the cabin, Carter’s hand in mine the whole time. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he told me he loved me and has for years. I, too, have been harboring my feelings for him for so long that I had given up hope that we would ever find our way to one another.

I can’t wait to tell my family that Carter and I finally decided to end this charade, to stop lying to everyone, and to stop lying to ourselves. However, we never get that chance because the first thing we have to do when we arrive is tell them what transpired this morning. After that, we get lost in all the questions and planning.

We are barely through the front door when Daphne shouts, “Leanna, you better have brought me back a large iced skinny hazelnut latte with whipped cream!”

“It’s 20 degrees outside, you nut! This is the season for hot drinks like the double-tall, full-fat, raspberry white chocolate mocha she brought me!” yells Brody right back.

“It’s not 20 degreesinside. Therefore, an iced drink is a perfectly acceptable request. Isn’t that right, Leanna?” she asks.

I laugh. “You are correct, but I didn’t bring any coffee back for anyone. Carter and I had to run an errand in town and then went for breakfast. He left a note for you guys saying as much.”
