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Chapter twenty-seven


ItrudgebehindMelissa,desperately wanting to be by Leanna’s side instead of engaging in another conversation where my ex refuses to accept that our relationship is in the past. She’s leading us to a row of glass-enclosed balconies that overlook the scenic valley below, keeping us in full view of the ballroom while giving us the privacy to talk without being overheard.

I double-tap my earpiece to establish one-way communication to make our conversation even more private, but I can still hear Patrick and Savannah if they need me. When I’m ready to reestablish two-way comms, I’ll double-tap it a second time.

“Thank you for agreeing to talk to me, Carter. After our last conversation, I’m surprised by your willingness to do so.”

“I am, too. I’m here at Leanna’s behest. She believes this conversation is necessary. I, however, do not. What is it you need to talk to me about?”

“First, I want to apologize. It wasn’t fair of me to come up here and try to win back your love when I’m the one who threw it away in the first place. I may have been young and scared when I walked away, but I was also selfish, thinking only of myself. Youth is not an excuse, and I need to accept responsibility for my actions and let you go up here,” she says, tapping an index finger to her head.

“The two restraining orders that you dug up are proof that I hadn’t been able to move on, at least not in a healthy way. It wasn’t them that I wanted, but rather a chance at redemption. I’ve been seeing a counselor regularly since the last incident,” she explains. The sincerity in her voice blows me away as she tells her story and openly admits her wrongdoings.

“That’s great, Melissa. I’m glad you’re getting help. But then why would you tell Leanna that you are ‘playing for keeps’ and then follow us up here?”

“In all fairness, Carter, you introduced Leanna as your roommate, and she claimed you two were ‘just friends.’ But when she saw us together, I could tell she had feelings for you even though she hadn’t admitted it to you or to herself. The next thing I knew, she was on a date with Joe, and I was letting her know my intentions toward you.”

I grunt in displeasure. “Is that why you used a threatening tone?”

“I did not mean for it to come out threatening! A little intimidating, maybe, but not threatening. Some women want what others have, and I didn’t want her to go after you just because I was. I didn’t want this turning into an episode ofThe Bachelorwith crazy catfights.”

I raise an eyebrow in her direction. “Are you the pot or the kettle in this scenario?” I ask.

She raises her hands in defeat. “Fine, Carter. I went about things the wrong way, but that’s why I’m trying to apologize.”

“How does Joe fit into all of this? How did you come to be here?” I ask.

“I didn’t lie to you when I told you Joe offered me a spare bedroom in his suite. When I tried to intimidate Leanna and get her to back down before anything started between you two, he thought my ‘feistiness’ was cute and offered the option to come along so I could get you back. He wanted to pursue things with Leanna and needed to free up her schedule. What better way to do that than to have me occupy your time? Joe and I had no idea how wellwewould click or that you two had become a couple until we met up on the side of the road on our way here. That reminds me. When we’re done here, I need to pull Leanna aside and thank her for her help,” she tells me.

She looks at my confused expression and explains, “When you and I were talking the other day—my poor attempt at reconciliation—Leanna was urging Joe to communicate his feelings for me. Instead of being jealous or vindictive, she was supportive and caring toward Joe and me finding our happiness together. She’s an amazing woman, and you are as lucky to have her as she is to have you.”

I couldn’t agree more. “She’s my world,” I choke out. “Which is why I have one more question. I need to know if you had anything to do with the attacks against Leanna—the slashed tires, dead flowers, red paint, the unscrewed snowboard binding, or the black roses?”

Melissa gasps and places a hand to her mouth. “Oh my gosh! No! I would never do anything like that,” she shouts. “But I know who might! I was approached by a guy who saw me talking to Joe and Leanna. He said he wanted to help me out and that he would get Leanna out of the way. All I had to do was be myself and distract you. Honestly, I thought he meant to take her out on dates. He seemed so nice, and he knew her. He helped her carry the coffee that day when we were at the coffee shop!”

I know exactly who Melissa is referring to. I double-tap the earpiece to reestablish two-way communications to inform my team of what I’ve learned, but I don’t hear anything but static. When I turn around and see a crowd of people cheering, Patrick and Savannah trying to push through them to get to Leanna, I know things are about to go from bad to worse.

When I walk toward the automatic sliding glass door, it won’t open. I look down and see a broomstick wedged into the door’s track base, preventing it from moving. Bryce Jordan walks by, waving a small black device in his hand and wearing a huge smile.

Standing on the other side of the glass door, Bryce points to the device and mouths “signal jammer” before setting it on the table a few feet away. He cackles as he joins the crowd.

Everything from that point on unravels like a loose string of a sweater. It’s the moment when everything comes apart, and there isn’t anything you can do to stop it.

I bang on the door, kicking and screaming, trying my best to break the glass. It doesn’t even crack. The only thing I can do is watch as someone yells, “Fire!” Everyone begins to panic and push their way through the main doors. I get a brief glimpse of Leanna before she is washed away in a sea of people trying to escape a danger that may or may not exist.

Bryce’s plan worked perfectly because Callum, Callie, Daphne, Brody, and Ansel all react to the word ‘fire’ as if they are Pavlov’s dog, seeking out the source to extinguish the threat. Patrick and Savannah are pushing through the melee to get to her. Still, the last thing I see is a shock of auburn red hair disappearing around the corner with Bryce Jordan close behind.

“I’m so sorry, Carter. We didn’t mean to leave her behind. We all know how quickly a fire can get out of control if it’s not contained quickly. It’s a natural instinct for us to respond.” Callie says, the oldest of the group.

“And it took all five of you to put out a grease fire that the kitchen staff had under control? Now we have no idea where Leanna is and what Bryce wants with her!” I shout at them. Then, I turn toward Patrick and Savannah.

She raises her hand to stop me from speaking. “We’re beating ourselves up enough over this. You don’t have to add to it,” Savannah says.

Callum comes over and puts his arm around me. “I’ve been where you’re at. Do you remember when Callie was in the burning apartment, and the family wouldn’t let me run in to save her because I didn’t have the right equipment? I was lost, scared, feeling out of control and useless. Nick reminded me thatprayingwasn’t useless. So why don’t we start there?”

Callum and I walk outside where the temperatures are near freezing, so cold it hurts to breathe. We bow our heads and ask God for protection over Leanna and that He will lead us in the direction of where she might be. Once we’re done, I head back inside and eat humble pie.
