Page 103 of Takeover

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He winced and swallowed hard, avoiding my gaze."It seemed like you needed to hear that."

The words hit me like blades, and I staggered backward."What?"

"It seemed like you needed to hear that from me.For you to feel comfortable with me."

"So, those were just—" I couldn't even finish.

"Everything about this was designed to move you forward.But we won't be getting there tomorrow.You are already part of Pendragon.I've worked out another deal with your father."

"What?M-my father knew?"

"Why do you even seem surprised?"His voice was harsh, his words bludgeoning me in every sentence.

"Why would you do this, Atticus?Why are you doing this to me?I don't believe you."

"I'm telling you that we are over.I got what I wanted.I've already blended your team.Your father and I have an arrangement.I won't marry you.I don't want to."

Those last words hit me in the gut, and I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to hold on.This wasn't true.He was lying.This wasn't the Atticus I knew.This wasn't the man who had told me he loved me just a few days ago.

What is true?

"So you want me to believe that you don't care about me, that everything you said was a lie."

"Yes.I had another deal working all the time.Your father was bluffing."

I swallowed hard."So that's it then?You got my algorithm, and I got what?"

"You have money, don't you?And obviously, you have a job."

"So all my hard work was just for nothing."

"You are part of one of the largest technology companies in the world.You have saved your employees.You saved your sister.What more do you want?"

What more did I want indeed?

I staggered backward another step."You never wanted me?"

"No.As a matter of fact, you should go be with Lance.He at least wants you."

"So you were faking it this whole time?"


I knew what he was saying, but his body language looked so rigid and stiff.He lookedbroken.This was a lie.He was lying.

I tentatively took a step toward him, reaching out, unwilling to believe what his mouth was saying."Atticus…"

He took a step back from me."Go be with Lance.Be with someone who actually loves you."

Then he marched from the room, leaving me to fall on my knees.
