Page 24 of Takeover

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As if I wanted to take him for his money.

Isn’t that what your father is doing?

"Of course, there is.But remember, I didn't volunteer to marry you for my own personal gain."

"Still, it's better that way,” he said.“The settlement will be substantial, of course."

"Right, being a true romantic again."

He shrugged."It's practical.I'm getting the distinct impression you think that this is temporary and transient, or fake in some way, and I want to assure you it's not.This is very real.Whether we have a contract or I had met you in one of your local bars."

I stiffened at that, thinking about the night we met and the raw visceral attraction.But I couldn’t come right out and ask about us sleeping together."What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that we will live together and attend events together, and well, for all intents and purposes, we will be married in every way."

"Wait a minute, you expect me to move in with you?"I asked incredulously.

"Yes,” he smirked.“Where did you think you were going to live?"

I swallowed hard."My apartment.Alone.Like I do now."

"No, you'll be moving into my penthouse."

"But that's not what I agreed to.I said I’d marry you, but I thought it would just be on paper.You know, one of those be-seen-publicly-once-a-month type of deals."

He pressed his lips together."I know this isn't what you wanted, but this meeting with us is a formality.Primarily to get you to sign off on the NDA and the prenuptial agreement.All other arrangements have already been made with your father."

"Wow."I watched as the muscle in his jaw ticked.And bile rose in my throat as the waiter arrived with my shrimp étouffée."Oh God, you are deadly serious."

"I am."

"Then why did you even bother meeting with me since you and my father have already signed off on a lot of the paperwork?Am I just expected to turn up to honor and obey?"

He ground his teeth at that."There was something magical about you on the balcony that night."

"Oh sure.It was probably the glitter."

"Yeah, the fucking glitter.I'mstillfinding glitter in places I certainly didn't expect."

I laughed."Well, if that’s all you wanted, your average stripper would suffice."

"Got something against strippers?"

"Nothing, actually,” I said.“Dancers are incredibly strong.And to hang upside down on a pole while gyrating and dancing is a skill that's difficult to master."

"It sounds like you know a lot about strippers."

"Yes, I do, actually.I take a pole dance class.At least I used to."

He choked on a sip of water.“Fuck.”

"What?For fitness."

"It has to stop."

"The hell it does.”I wasn't great at pole dancing.Hell, I didn't even love it, and I hadn't done it in at least six months, but just the sheer idea that he would tell me that Icouldn'tdo it, made me want to rage."You can't stop me.”

“Then I guess we don't have a deal."
