Page 41 of Takeover

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"You mean besides her hating me and being pissed off that her father essentially sold off her and her company?"

He laughed."So it went well then."

I kept thinking about her scent.All morning it had clung to me, even after I showered.It was enough to make my balls ache."As well as I expected."

"Are you still sure this is the best call, Atticus?"

"She's signed the contract, so yeah."

"You know how dangerous it is having someone that close.We could be exposed."

"I’m not worried about it.She’s my wife.Besides, Gwen protects her people.Once we’re married, I’m included in that.We can trust her."

Micah cocked his head."You’re serious?You really intend for this to last?No other women?"

"Are we seriously talking about my sex life?"

"Sorry, but you opened your sex life up for discussion.You've written it into the clause.So, do you intend to shag her then?"Micah's British accent was mostly gone these days except for the occasional slang word or two unless he was talking to one of his friends back in London.

"Not up for discussion."

His quick bark of laughter was unabashed.It was almost like the old days of us playing Knights of the Round Table.Micah was always Merlin.We’d been fighting an imaginary dragon with our paper towel roll swords and broken a Ming Vase.

Micah still bore the scar just under his chin from the beating our father gave us.My scar was on my soul from him forcing me to watch.

The memory of Micah and me playing on the estate grounds a few weeks after his arrival in New York was vivid and sharp.

At first, I hadn't wanted a brother, but it had been nice to have someone to talk to.I mostly avoided my father, and my mother was always busy.Outside of school, I had some friends, but I was a loner.Having Micha around helped me come out of my shell.

We used cardboard rolls as swords, and he tied a pillowcase to the back of his T-shirt to act like a cape, as he was playing Merlin, of course.

He was supposedly training me to become a great king, but I needed a lot of training.Despite being smaller than me, he was surprisingly quick on his feet.

We laughed, played, and made noise like children.When Micah began to whine for a snack, we went up the back stairs to the kitchen.

After getting us both snacks, I accidentally threw a pretzel at my little brother.Micah, not one to back down, retaliated with his cardboard sword.

While playing, we moved into the sunroom where I knocked Micah's sword out of his hand.As he chased after it, he skidded on the floor and bumped into the sideboard, causing a vase to fall and shatter.

The resulting clatter and crash of the vase happened in slow motion.

Even through the hazy fog of memory, my palms began to sweat as I remembered trying to push Micah out of the sunroom, but it was too late. Next, came the choreographed dance of Dad running in, me stepping in front of my brother, and my father shoving me out of the way.

It was at that moment that Micah realized he had not been drawn into a fairy tale, but into a nightmare.

I shook my head to clear the stinging memory."Shut up, Micah."

"Sorry.Sorry.It's just… You know that's not going to work, right?"

“Forget it.Let’s circle back to Lakewood.He has to be dealt with.”

“What’s the urgency?”Micah asked.

"For starters, he's far too close to Gwen.He's going to jeopardize everything about this deal."

He drained his smoothie."She doesn't know why you agreed to the marriage, does she?She really thinks it's about the software?"

Gwen thought I was bailing her company out, but I needed her as much as she needed me.She had no idea why though.And if she ever found out, she wouldn't like it.Matter of fact, she'd raise hell."I told you before, I want the predictive algorithm.She serves our purpose in this case, so it works."
