Page 49 of Takeover

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I'd been so focused on her and the big picture that I didn't see what her father was up to.She was fighting for her people and hadn't asked for help.The fight was a trait I admired.But goddamn it, I wanted to help.It was hard not to be impressed by her, but she was far from being impressed by me.I needed to do something about that.

When I got home that night at nine-thirty, I knew where I'd find her.Not that I was having her followed, I was just having someone keep an eye on her.After all, if Lions was right about my father and Jacobson, it was better to keep an eye on her than not.But if she knew, she'd be irritated.So I didn’t tell her.

I knocked on the slightly ajar library door."It's late, you should go to bed."

She barely lifted her head."As you can imagine, it was a long day for me."

"Of course, it was.Did you eat anything?"

She frowned."What time is it?"


She gave me a sheepish half-smile."Then other than my gummy bears, no."

"You need to eat.I'll get Magda to warm you a plate."

She frowned at that and then sat back and crossed her arms.She still wore her silk shirt from earlier, but she’d swapped that fuck-me skirt for sweatpants."What are you doing?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing?"I asked, leaning against the doorframe.Her gaze swept over me, leaving little licks of heat everywhere it touched me.

"This act.Being nice.You have already made it clear in public that we are the real deal.But it’s not like you talk to me other than to bark orders.Why are you being nice?"

I sighed.I had said that.And I had been an ass."I'm just trying to make sure you've eaten and that you get some sleep.That's all."

She frowned, working her bottom lip with her teeth."I still don't trust you."

"I’m well the fuck aware of that.Now eat something.Go to bed.We're tied together for the foreseeable future, and you're going to be my wife, which makes it my job to take care of you.So fucking eat, would you?And not gummy bears, for the love of God."

She looked adorable with her pursed lips and narrowed gaze."I don't remember the last time someone took care of me.I promise you, I'm not a damsel in distress.You don't need to ride in on a horse to save me."

I cocked my head at that.The way she'd bit out the words.When was the last time someone had taken care of her?"Okay.But I'll have Magda warm something up for both of us.I know if I didn't have a chance to eat, you certainly didn't either."

"I’ll eat later."She inclined her head toward the bowl of gummy bears.

I shook my head."You can't be serious."

"Have you ever had a gummy bear?"She cocked her head and studied me, her gaze doing a slow perusal of my body, turning those little fires into furnaces as she went along.

"Not since I was twelve."

"Well, you're missing out.Gummy bears are my favorite.And they're surprisingly filling."

I shuddered."You know they’re nothing but sugar, right?"

"And sugar is delicious."

"You need to eat proper food."I pressed my case."You know, protein.A vegetable or two."

"And I will.I'm just busy.So right now, I'll stick to empty calories.Tomorrow I'll guzzle down a smoothie.Get lots of protein and veggies."

I sighed, turning when I saw Magda coming down the hall with a tray.I took it from her with a smile and a nod of thanks and then turned to my wife-to-be."No, you're going to eat real food now."

Gwen pierced me with a narrow-eyed pout that only made me want to kiss her as I placed the tray on the coffee table.

"You can eat with me,” I said.“How's that?"

Magda had piled the plates high with enough for two and had included two spoons and napkins.
