Page 51 of Takeover

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Fury flashed hot over my skin as I cocked my head, assessing her."Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"she asked around another bite of bread.

"I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it's almost like you deliberately mark yourself as less than Morgan.Just because your father does it, that doesn't mean it's true."

Her brow furrowed."First of all, I do no such thing.I love my sister."

"That's apparent.You were willing to fall on the sword for her."

"Well, I wouldn't need to fall on the sword if you didn't want to carve out part of my father's company."

"That’s what Bronson Jacobson wants, and he doesn't care about your software.He just wants to make sure I don't have it.But I'm a businessman.Your father is the one who dangled you out like a carrot."

She sighed."Whatever little pissing contest you have with Jacobson is not my business."

"It’s your business now.You are marrying a Price."

She swallowed hard."By force."

"Look, there are benefits to being married to me, and you're not taking advantage of it."

She shrugged."Aren't you counting your lucky stars though?You got me for a bargain."

"For the record, just so it's crystal clear, I got you becauseyouwere the one I wanted.Morgan isn't the one who glitter-bombed me and called me a nepo baby.She's not the one with the eyes that see straight to my soul.She’s not the woman with the lips that tempt or the one who cracked shards of ice off my personality."

A soft gasp was her only response.

"Now that I have some food in you, though I wish you'd eat more, I was serious about wanting you in bed in two hours.If not, I'll come back, and I won't ask as nicely."

Then I left her sitting in the study before I did something stupid like kiss her again.



I didn’t sleep well.

And no, it wasn't because my brand-new fiancé was hogging the bed or because he'd somehow managed to maneuver me on top of him.Again.

Hell, it wasn't even because he'd woken me up, hard and pressing against my clit.How the hell did he manage to make me come while sleeping?Again.

All night, I'd been thinking about what Atticus said about me not asking for help.That my pride would get in the way of helping my people.He'd said I needed to trust him.Could I?

Not a good idea.You were sold to him.Letting your guard down is dangerous.

Dangerous, yes.But I had bargaining power.Maybe I needed to exercise that.

It had taken me all morning to work out the proposal for him.When I turned up at Pendragon Tech though, I wondered if I’d made a mistake.

The pretty brunette in the front room of his office eyed me up and down.

I'd worn lavender wide-leg pants and a white cap-sleeve top.I looked fine.So why was she looking at me like I was yesterday's garbage?Her gaze was the same as one of those girls in high school, and boy oh boy, had they found me lacking.

She has nothing to do with you.

I forced a broad smile at her."Hi, I'm?—"

"I know who you are," she said in a clipped tone.
