Page 57 of Takeover

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"Okay, now you're just showing off."

My sister gave a happy little twirl."Well, cake is my love language.I don't like to bake anything else, but there's something about making someone a very specific cake that makes me happy."

"I do appreciate you."

"Oh, and there's a gummy bear surprise."

I lifted a brow."What?"

"Yeah.I had to cut out the middle after the cakes were cooled then ice them and plug the middle back up again.I'm pretty proud of that feature.”

"Wow, this cake is perfect for me.Thanks, Morgan."

She leaned her slender body into mine, squeezing me tight."You were avoiding me.Sisters don't avoid sisters."

"I'm not avoiding you,” I lied.“I'm just busy.But we shall celebrate this weekend.It's not ideal, but we've got this merger to deal with right now.But we're doing brunch with Clarissa, right?And then we'll do some shopping after.A little retail therapy.I deserve to buy myself something fabulous."

"Yes.And I deserve to watch you buy something fabulous."

"Is this you asking for a present too?"

She shook her head."Nah, I want to watch you enjoy it.”

I squeezed my sister’s hand."I will.I promise.”

“Now, if you don't mind, I need to go get ready for a date.I just wanted to make sure you had cake first.”

“Thanks, Morgan.I appreciate you making it specially for me.”

“What are sisters for?”

She punched Lance on the shoulder and blew me an air kiss and was gone.Like a little cake fairy godmother.

When my sister left, Lance caught the full brunt of my ire."Lance, you really should know better."

He gave me an impish grin."What?I tried to help with the singing.And she twisted my arm.She's surprisingly strong."

"Right.For someone who claims not to like my little sister, you let her talk you into a lot of shit."

“Well, she’s part of the package.So sometimes, if it's going to benefit you, I need to let her talk me into stuff.”

“Sure.Whatever you say.”

“And look, before you try and weasel out of our birthday drinks tradition, I know you have a shit ton of work to do, so I'm willing to postpone until Sunday.”

I sagged in relief.“Honestly, I don't think I deserve you.”

His eyes went soft as he searched my face.“You deserve better, but you're stuck with me.How are you going to get away from your minder?"

I rolled my eyes."He's not my minder."

"He looks like your minder.Dark, brooding, disapproving.I felt like I was trying to impress your dad."

I wrinkled my nose.“Can we please not say the D word right now?”

He pressed his lips together in irritation.“Let me guess, he didn't wish you happy birthday today.”

I shook my head and toed the carpet with my stocking-clad foot, having ditched my shoes hours earlier.“It's fine.He doesn't matter.”
