Page 65 of Takeover

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"It's nice to meet you, Jessica.Like I said, I'm a friend of Atticus."

Her brows furrowed."Atticus?"

"Yes, Atticus."

“He’s a good boy, my son.But his father...He has his father in him.He'll destroy you.You have to run."She darted for me, and I almost stumbled backward as I held on to her tight.While she might be thin, she was not frail, and her hands dug into my biceps."You have to run.He's going to get you.He's going to destroy you.You have to run.He threw me in here.Away from Atticus.Away from Micah.He never wanted me to be happy."

After recovering from the scare, I dipped my voice low."Jessica, you're okay.And I know you think Lucian is going to do something, but Atticus would never let that happen.Atticus hasn't done anything to hurt me.Or you either.He loves you."

I managed to pull her fingers off my bicep and free one of my arms.I slowly rubbed my hand in circles on her back."You're okay now Jessica.I think it's a little chilly out here.Maybe we should go inside?"

Her brows furrowed."Inside?"

"Yeah, where it's warm.I think I might like a hot cocoa.”

"I could use a drop of bourbon."

I gave her a tremulous smile."Yes, I like bourbon, too."

"Atticus won't let me have a drink.He acts like I'm the child."

"Well, Atticus doesn't know everything, does he?"

I slid a glance toward him.His face was drawn tight, and his eyes were wary on me.I ignored him and led his mother toward the house.She directed me to a side door where we found a woman in a nurse’s uniform looking worried.A short, round, Latin woman with curly hair stood behind her in a robe and said, "Oh my gosh, Mr.Price.I'm so sorry.She?—"

Atticus spoke for the first time since we arrived."It's okay, Dania, it's okay.We've got her inside now."

That’s when I realized that Jessica had a pair of scissors in her hands.

Atticus gently took them from his mother and handed them over to Dania, and then the nurse attempted to take Jessica from me.But she let out a blood curdling scream."No.Just Gwen.I want Gwen."

I rushed to calm her down."Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.If it's okay, I told Jessica we can have some hot chocolate before she goes back to bed."

The nurse and Dania looked at me curiously.Then their gazes went straight to Atticus behind them.

His voice was low."Some hot chocolate won't hurt.Easy on the bourbon though."

I merely nodded and kept my attention on Jessica.

After I made her hot chocolate and got her settled, I poured a mug and walked over to Atticus."Here you go.I put some bourbon in that one too."

"How much did you give her?"

I shook my head and pitched my voice low."None.I just pretended to pour it in there."

He sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face before taking a sip of his hot chocolate.When he lifted his gaze to mine, there was raw pain, worry, and concern in his eyes, and I saw the vulnerable little boy in there.I had no idea what was going on here or why she was like this, but I knew he needed me.

When Jessica was done with her hot cocoa, I went with her and her nurse to get her teeth brushed, and then settled her back in her room.Dania shook her head when I looked at the window, which was open."During the day, she likes the breeze.It was my fault.I forgot to lock it, and she just snuck out.Luckily, the alarm went off and alerted us."

"Is she always like this?"

"Ninety percent of the time, she's great.She just needs a companion.It’s the other ten percent that’s unpredictable.And she can get hurt."

Jessica took my hand then."I know you're good Gwen.And you're good for Atticus."

I gave her what I hoped was a warm smile and then patted her hand gently."Well, we'll see about that."

And before I knew it, she drifted off.When I turned, I found Atticus leaning in the door frame, watching us intently.His long body was tilted at an angle, and his expression was somehow warm, angry, and concerned all at once.As I left the room, he stood still enough to make sure I had to brush past him on my way out.
