Page 7 of Takeover

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With the meeting with Becker secured, I placed a call to my head of security, Pierce Trent."Yeah, boss?"was his terse response.

"Get me everything you can find on Gwenyth Becker."

“Full work up?”

“Down to who her high school bully was.I want it all.”



The last placeI wanted to be this Friday morning was my father’s office.

I'd always hated my father’s office.He’d taken minimalist to a whole new level.The words cold and barren were an apt description.The only saving grace was his view of the city.

The other problem was the temperature.The chill of his office was legendary.

He kept it ata balmy sixty-two because he felt like it kept everybody alert.The problem was, it certainly didn't keep him alert.His lack of concentration during long meetings was also notorious.

When trying to get my father to make a decision, I had to be quick about it.The effort of keeping my father on task today, however, was Herculean.I could tell that his mind was somewhere else.We'd only been at this for fifteen minutes, and his attention span waned already.Of course the office was frigid, just like he liked it, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat across from him.

I knew he didn't keep it this cold because he liked it like this.This was about power.He wanted everyone to be just a smidge uncomfortable in his presence.

"We need to discuss the investment opportunities on the table,” I said.“At Turn Tech last month, several venture capital firms showed real interest in my team’s algorithm.I know we don’t want an investor, but we’re about to run out of time and funds if we don’t accept an offer.Or if you have another plan, I’d like to hear it."

I placed the file on top of the three others I’d brought that needed his signature.

"The first thing you'll see is the data I pulled from accounting and our operational budget.”I knew that should get him focused.I’d bombard him with information, then make a quick ask and move on.He admired efficiency.

"Now, as we've discussed, we want someone minimally invasive.Hands off.I have options for?—"

He put up a hand."There's no need to discuss this further."

My heart started to race, and my lungs fought for air.No.He could not give up."Look, we’re on the same page about not looking to sell.It's the family company, Becks Incorporated.But we have hundreds of employees to consider, and we have to fight.We can’t just let all of this fall apart."

There was another part I didn't say out loud.The truth of it all was that he had over-gambled, over-expanded.And honestly, I’d started digging and delving into areas that he didn't have the expertise on.We were better when we were small.Agile.There were departments that were definitely overspending.And the sales team needed to be reined in.But we could do this.We just had to be smarter.I couldn't let him sell us off piecemeal.For starters, everyone would lose their jobs.Some of my team had been with me since just after college.They’d bet on me.They deserved to have me fight for them.

And then there was the obvious problem of parts of my software falling into the wrong hands.Artificial Intelligence had so many applications.Some of it could be used to do amazing things, but some of it could be used to do shitty things.Even something like facial recognition was a hot-button topic because of how those models had been built and who was building them.

I’d only ever wanted to help people.But there were people like Bronson Jacobson who only cared about his pockets.And I would die before I’d just lay down and hand my life’s work to him.

We couldn't just give up."There are things we could do.I’ve still got some meeting with VC’s coming.I know there are some partnerships.I spoke to Wexler and Co.’s CEO; they would love to do a partnership and license my software.We have options.I just need a little time.Selling is ridiculous.You haven't even tried yet.I mean,reallytried."

He shook his head.But before he could speak, there was a knock at the door."At last," he muttered.

I glanced toward the door."What are you talking about?"

He didn't answer me but instead called out, "Come."

Teresa, my father's executive assistant, opened the door."Sir, Gwen, Mr.Price is here to see you."

My stomach fluttered at his name.Hell, what was wrong with me?The Ice King made the long-dead butterflies come to life.I really was fucked in the head.

He was the last kind of man I needed.The kind I’d learned not to trust.The kind of man who could eviscerate me and my life.

But, like a fool, ever since the benefit a few nights ago, I couldn't get him out of my head.That slight upturn to his lips just at the corner, it wasn't a smile.Because God help you when he actually did smile.The damn thing was lethal.

But never mind what he did to the butterflies in my stomach.What the hell was he doing here?
