Page 77 of Takeover

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“Okay, come on.What's wrong?”

Studying me intently, he asked, “What do you mean what's wrong?”

“Obviously, I did or said something wrong at some point.Was it that ambassador guy?He asked me a question when my mouth was full, and I couldn't answer right away.Or was it the redhead in the black dress?But that one's not my fault.I'm pretty sure she didn't like me because she wants you for herself.But I did try.Iamtrying.Are you already regretting this?”

As the elevator lifted us to the penthouse, he just studied me.“You're worried I'm angry with you?”

“Yes, of course I'm worried.I don't have much else to go on.We had that beautiful moment on the balcony, and it was perfect and amazing.And I'm so excited to be wearing your ring, and then you're silent the whole drive home.So please, just tell me what I did wrong.”

“You're worried you've done something wrong because I haven't said anything?”

“Yes, exactly.You have to communicate with me somehow.”

The elevator dinged as we reached the penthouse level.We just had to wait for the doors to open.“Did it ever occur to you that the reason I haven't said anything is because I have been trying to behave?There's a lot my mouth wants to do right now, but none of it is fit for polite company or at all related totalking.I've been trying to control myself until I had you alone to show you exactly what I want to do to you.”

I blinked up at him as my brain clocked everything he just said.Ohhhhh.“You’re not in the mood totalk?”

His tiny smirk had me pressing my thighs together.“No, I’m not in the mood totalk.But if you want me to communicate, then by all means, allow me.”

He bent down and scooped me up, causing me to squeal."Atticus.Oh my God, what are you doing?"

"Carrying you over the threshold."

"You're about a week early."

"Don't care.As far as I’m concerned.You already belong to me."

The penthouse was dark, save for the city lights twinkling in through the tall windows.He bypassed the living area then proceeded to carry me down the long hallway into our bedroom.Each footstep on the marble floor echoed through the spacious penthouse like thunderclaps.

He managed to kick the door shut with his foot before setting me down on the bed.He removed both our shoes before pushing me back on the bed and crawling over me until his face was inches from mine.Then he said, “You want me to communicate?All right then.”

With the grace of a panther, he moved closer, his hands on either side of my face.His fingers tracing along my skin as if I was something precious, something delicate.His eyes never left mine as he lowered his lips onto my own.

It wasn’t just a kiss—it was an affirmation of ownership, of understanding, of desire.

As our lips moved together, it was as if we were having an entire conversation without words.Every breath was an admission of need, every gentle nip a reassertion of his claim over me.

His hands found mine above my head, interlacing our fingers and pinning them down against the soft silk sheets.

"Atticus," I began, but words escaped me as his lips began exploring again.

"Um-hm?"He hummed against my skin, causing shivers to dance down my spine.

"I—" But my words were cut short as he captured my lips again.

"Shh," he quieted me, his voice a soft murmur against my mouth."My turn to communicate."

His lips moved from mine and began tracing a path downward along the line of my jaw, the hollow of my throat.His hands, still entwined with mine, never left their place above my head, pinning me gently but firmly to the bed.

As his mouth drew closer to my breasts, I could feel my heartbeat quicken—the anticipation was palpable.He smirked up at me, his dark eyes brimming with promise.Then his lips found my nipple through the thin fabric of my dress.My head fell back as a moan escaped my lips.

"All good?"he asked as he traced figure eights over the swell of my breast.

"Yes," I whispered breathlessly."Very good."

His hands released my wrists."Stay," he murmured against the skin of my neck as he began to unzip my dress slowly.Every inch revealed more skin for him to kiss, to claim.

When he finally unfurled the dress from around me, leaving me in just my very tiny panties, his gaze was a mixture of hunger and adoration.He took in every inch of me as if I were a masterpiece only meant for his eyes.
