Page 84 of Takeover

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“Do you want a drink?"

He frowned at me."What are you drinking?"

"Well, let's go with scotch.We can toast the move, the acquisition, my engagement, the opportunity for you, or all of the above."

He lifted a brow."Opportunity for me?"

I pushed to my feet, walked to my bar, and poured two glasses.When I handed him his, he took it but only stared at it.

I deliberately took a sip of mine and seated myself on the couch with the view of the city.With a drink in his hand, he'd be hard-pressed not to sit.

When he finally joined me, I leaned back."Look, I know you're not happy about my engagement to Gwen."

"Well, no one said you were an idiot."He took a sip and stared into his glass."It's not bad."


"Of course."

"Lakewood, I'm not going to pretend to like you, and you don’t have to pretend to like me.We don't know each other, but your fascination with my fiancée is a problem."

He shifted uncomfortably."We're best friends.Have been since college.That’s never going to change."

Yeah, I read you, asshole.You’re never going away."And honestly, she needs you.I don't want that to change."

His brows puckered."Okay?"

"There’s one thing thatisgoing to change though."

"Oh, excellent.What new delight have you cooked up for us now?"he asked sarcastically.

"I have a VP of Technology position available in Pendragon Tech's London office.Running your own show, essentially an R&D outfit like you've had, but there is no Gwen to answer to.Obviously, it's a significant bump in pay.The usual package, and it's a good fresh start.A young team with room to build, so you can mold them however you want."

He frowned into his glass."That would be the offer, wouldn't it?"

"Excuse me?"

"You're dangling something so good in front of me that I have no choice but to go."

I sighed."Let me lay this out for you.There is London, which means a new environment, a chance to grow and spread your wings.There, no one cares that you're a Lakewood.Research things that interest you.You're the major decision-maker.Or you can stay here where Gwen is still above you, she makes the decisions, and she's the one in the room, not you.Sure, she discusses things with you now and she likes your input, but she makes the choices, not you.If you want to stay in the position you have now, it's fine.I don't care.Because you are not a threat to me.You never were.But I do think your abilities can be put to better use in London."

I said that just as he was taking a sip, and he coughed into his glass."Well, way to mince words there."

"It's true.How Gwen and I came together was not ideal.Her father has a lot to answer for.But she's mine to look after, mine to protect.You can stay here if you want, but you will only ever be her second in command.”

"You don't know what we are to each other."

"No, I don't.I know that to her, you are invaluable.She loves you.She should.You've been best friends for years."

Lakewood swallowed hard."What’s your point?"

"You think I don't have eyes?You're in love with her.And if the rumors are to be believed about Lakewood Enterprises, you were going to bite that bullet for her, and she still said no, even though the one thing she wanted was to save her company."

"She knows what it would have cost me."

"That is Gwen.She is selfless to a fault.It's the thing that makes her heart so generous."

"You don't know her at all."
