Page 104 of Haunted Love

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“Oh, that’s right. Because you think you’re suddenly in love with her? She let you fuck her a few times and now you’re declaring your undying love?”

I grab him by the scruff of his shirt and pull him in. “You might be my best friend, but talk about her like that again, and I won’t hesitate to drop you,” I tell him before releasing my hold on his shirt and shoving him away. “This isn’t something that’s going to go away. I want to be with her. I want to start a life with her, and fuck, maybe even one day, if she’ll have me, make her my wife. This isn’t just some stupid phase, Austin. When are you going to see that? Do you really think I would put twenty-five years of friendship on the line if this didn’t mean anything?”

Austin clenches his jaw. “What kind of life do you think you’re going to give her?” he questions, not impressed. “You’re not right for her. You own nightclubs and want to expand across the country. What’s that supposed to mean for Aspen? Is she supposed to spend her life following you across the world, watching you chase your dreams while she sits back twiddling her fucking thumbs? Fuck no.”

“Honestly, I don’t know, but what I do know is that she deserves the right to decide that for herself rather than having you decide it for her. You’ve clearly shown that you don’t actually give a shit about what she wants. These past three weeks have more than proven that.”

“So what? I’m just supposed to accept that you’re together now?”

“Yeah,” I scoff. “That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. Because while I can handle you pulling away and treating me like shit, she can’t. You are the fucking sun in her sky and these past few weeks you’ve forced her to live in absolute darkness. She needs you now more than ever, so get the fuck over it. Swallow your pride and be there for her.”

Having said what I needed to say, I go to walk away when he calls out behind me. “And you?”

I stop and turn back, too fucking tired for this. “Honestly, I don’t give a shit anymore. You might despise me for going behind your back to be with her, and up until two hours ago, I would have done anything to earn your forgiveness, but now I’m wondering if that was for her sake or yours,” I tell him. “I betrayed your trust in the worst way, and I’ve spent the past two months hurting her over and over again because of the crippling guilt I felt for what I’d done. But you’re supposed to be her greatest supporter. You’re supposed to want the world for her and help her achieve everything she’s ever dreamed of, and seeing the way you’ve treated her over these past few weeks . . . I don’t know, man. You’re not who I thought you were. So yeah, I’m sorry I betrayed your trust and went behind your back, but I’m not sorry that I fell in love with your sister and found something so fucking real that it hurts just to be away from her. If you can come to terms with that and learn how to be in her life without tearing her down, then great. If not, then I’m done. I’m going to be with her with or without your approval, and I really fucking hope that you can get on the right side of this because it’s not going away. I love you like a brother, Austin, and it would mean the world to both of us if we didn’t have to keep this from you.”

“So, that’s it, huh? You’re just throwing away twenty-five years of friendship?”

“Nah, man. You are,” I tell him. “You’re choosing to believe that I’m not good enough for her, that I’m too fucking broken to offer her anything real without even trying to dig a little deeper and see what’s right in front of your eyes, and because of that, you’re punishing all of us.”

“You’re really that in love with her?”

I nod. “Yeah, man. I am.”

He lets out a heavy breath, nodding. Not because he agrees, but because he’s trying to hear what I’m saying, and with that, I finally turn and walk away, hoping like fuck he’s able to make the right decision and return to Aspen as the loveable brother she’s always idolized and adored.



It’s after midday by the time Izaac and I walk out of the police station, and I’m not going to lie, today hasn’t exactly been the best day for me. From the second I woke up, Izaac had me down at the police station answering questions, forcing me to relive it all, and just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, the detectives had me watch the surveillance footage from the dark room, and it sent me into a blind panic. I spent an hour trying to calm down, and the second I was able to, they hit me with the rest of their questions.

I don’t regret it though—the questions, not the pen-stabbing. That’s going to take me a while to come to terms with, and something tells me that I’ll be spending long hours with a therapist trying to work through it, but I’m glad it’s over. The police asked me what they needed to know, and with the footage they were provided, it was easily marked as self-defense. They still need to do an autopsy and tick all of their boxes, but they’ve told me I’m off the hook. That didn’t stop them from giving me the don’t leave town speech.

As for Izaac, considering the circumstances, his part in it was shrugged off, but he didn’t seem concerned. If they wanted to hit him with battery charges, he was willing to accept them.

Izaac pulls up outside my apartment, and I press my lips into a tight line, glancing up into those dark eyes. “Are you really sure this is a good idea?” I ask. “I get that you’re all about not holding back and wanting to make this happen, but you realize by kidnapping me and taking me home to your place, you’re essentially forcing me to move in with you, right?”

He gives me a blank stare.

“We fight, Izaac. All the time,” I point out, just in case he hadn’t figured it out yet. “Me moving in with you while this is still so new . . . it’ll be a disaster. Not to mention, you’ve never lived in such close quarters with a woman . . . like, ever. And your mom doesn’t count.”


“Do you know how gross we are?” I ask. “Our hair comes out in the shower and clogs the drain, and when it gets tangled in my fingers, I make little swirlies with it on the shower screen.”

“Would you shut the fuck up about your shower swirlies and get your ass up to your apartment and start packing?” he demands. “I’m not changing my mind. I want you with me. Besides, in case you haven’t noticed, trouble seems to follow you everywhere you go, and it would be a shitload easier keeping you out of it if you came home to me every night.”

I scoff, gaping at him. “Oh, I see. This is all because you think I need a full-time babysitter.”

“I swear to God, Aspen. Either walk your ass upstairs and start packing your things, or I’ll—”

“You’ll what?”

“You’re infuriating, Aspen Ryder.”

“Right back at ya, Izaac Banks.”

“Get your ass out of my car.”
