Page 99 of Haunted Love

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“Say no more,” the other guy says before they both nod and walk away.

What the hell was I doing?

I need to get out of here. Only, how can I leave things like that with Izaac? I need to see him.

Not willing to risk picking up my drink after it was put down by some man I’ve never formally met before, I leave it behind and cut through the VIP lounge. My hands shake as I try to blink back the tears. God, he’s never going to speak to me again.

Knowing he’s got to be around here somewhere, I consider going back to the bar and asking them if they could get him for me, but there’s only one place I know he’ll come for me, one place we can truly be alone and talk through everything—the dark room.

Bypassing the bar and Becs, I make my way to the familiar room and step inside before dimming the lights just the way I like it. They’re low enough that I can still see but dark enough to have settled my nerves. I don’t get those kinds of nerves with him anymore unless butterflies count, but it feels right to take us back to basics.

Making my way into the center of the room, I prepare to wait. He’s not going to scramble after me like a love-sick fool. He’s going to make me suffer, and he’ll leave me here just long enough for me to wonder if he’s coming at all, but in the end, he’ll come because he can’t stand the idea of hurting me even though I was the cold-hearted bitch who set out to cause him pain.

What can I say? Izaac Banks is a better person than I am. He always has been.

The seconds quickly turn into long, drawn-out minutes, and before I know it, at least thirty minutes have passed when I finally hear the door close behind me. The relief overwhelms me, and I close my eyes as I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry,” I whimper, certain he can’t hear me over the loud music in the club, but I know he senses it. He always does.

Izaac doesn’t respond, but when I feel the slight touch at my waist and the soft breath at my shoulder, I sag against him. His arm curls tighter around me, holding me against him, only as his cologne hits my nose, my body stiffens.

This isn’t Izaac.

“My sweet angel. So pure and innocent. I knew you’d wait for me.”

My eyes widen in horror, and I whip around, pulling out of the man’s hold. “Oh, no, no, no,” I rush out, finding Ryatt Markin behind me. “I’m so sorry. I was waiting for Izaac.”

“You left the door open,” he purrs, stepping toward me and tracking my every movement as I back up. “Surely you know the rules of the private rooms by now.”

I shake my head, confusion flooding through me. I mean, yeah. I know the rules. If I leave the door open, anyone is welcome to walk in, but I said no. Shouldn’t he immediately back off like Caesar and his friend did? Am I getting something wrong here? Am I fair game? This doesn’t feel right. I don’t like it.

“No, I . . . I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking,” I tell him, trying to step around him to make a break for the door. After all, this is the one man Izaac warned me about. “Let me get out of your way so you can get on with your night.”

“Come on, now. Don’t be like that,” he says, his gaze sailing up and down my body with a sick hunger, side-stepping to block my escape. “Don’t you think Banks has already had his fair share of you? I’m not going to lie, he’s been keeping you locked away in this room, keeping you away from everyone else, and it’s got me thinking that there must be something real special about you, something he doesn’t want to share. And I get it, you sure are a sight to look at, but you’d be more beautiful without that dress.”

He goes to reach for me and my eyes widen. “No. Don’t touch me,” I growl, my whole body on alert as my heart starts to viciously pound in my chest. “I’m not interested. Now get out of my way. I’m leaving.”

“You see, that’s just the thing, baby. You’re not going anywhere,” he says, his tone dropping. “Now that I’ve walked in here, Banks is going to revoke my membership, and I’m not risking being kicked out without taking a bite of his little slice of heaven first.”

“You’ve got another thing coming if you think you’re putting a single hand on me.”

Ryatt laughs. “We’ll see about that,” he says, and not a moment later, he launches toward me, the loud music drowning out my screams.



What the fuck am I doing?

Aspen is out in my club, about to let Caesar Eros and Dustin Jacobs fuck her, and all I did was walk away. Where’s my fucking backbone? She doesn’t want this. I saw it in her eyes, begging me to put a stop to it, needing me to come and take what’s always been mine, but instead, I walked away, just like I should have done the second I realized she was the innocent woman who wandered into my dark room.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m fucking livid, seeing those assholes put their hands on her welled up something in me that I’ve never felt before. Yet, here I am, sitting in my office instead of knocking out those fuckers and pulling her into my arms.

Only, I don’t think I’m jealous.

This rage within me stems from somewhere else. When it comes to Aspen, what she’s doing out there isn’t about the emotional connection that she shares with me. It’s not even about sex. It’s about trying to make me hurt like I hurt her. It’s about forcing me to break, forcing me to understand these feelings that have run rampant through me since the second I touched her. But fuck, doesn’t she know I already understand what this is? I know I never said it out loud, but I knew it the second I kissed her.

There’s no denying it now, I’m in love with her, and right now, the woman I love is about to have two men eight inches inside of her.

Just fucking great.
