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Their morning shower was another of her favorite rituals, but today she had something planned. “Actually, can we go for a ride first? We don’t have to be out too long but I’d love to get some fresh air right now.”

“Sounds good to me.” He steered her toward the horse stables. “We haven’t visited Legacy in a few days anyway.”

They saddled up Dreamer with the tandem and then trotted out of the barn. Tess leaned against Silas’s chest while he wielded the reins, steering the horse past the house and into the trees so they could get to the south pasture.

“Have I told you I love you yet today?” Silas murmured in her ear.

“I don’t think so.” But she could feel his love. And she saw it in the way he cared for her and the girls.

“I love you.” He kissed her neck.

“And I love you.” She peered over her shoulder and into his eyes and almost said more, but she couldn’t ruin the surprise.

Dreamer navigated the woods like a champ—she knew where they were headed. And Tess was content to settle in and enjoy the view. The leaves overhead were already starting to fall, and snow would start flying soon.

“What’d you have planned for today?” Silas asked, taking the reins in one hand and securing his other arm around her waist.

“I have a doctor appointment.”Don’t say more.She couldn’t say more yet.

“You have to go to the doctor?” He snuck a peek at her face. “Everything okay?”

“It’s only a checkup.” Of sorts. “What about you? What’s your day look like?”

She’d best change the subject before she blurted everything out.

“Thatch and Aiden and I are starting work on the new rec center.”

“Oh, that’s right.” The town council had finally approved funds to build an indoor swimming pool. The project would keep Cowboy Construction busy for the next eight months.

“There’s Legacy.” Silas pointed to their left where the trees opened into the south meadow.

The horse stood by the fence as though expecting them while the rest of the herd grazed.

Silas pulled Dreamer to a stop and dismounted before helping Tess down. “Why don’t you get the carrots out?” She pointed to the saddle bag. “I packed them last night.”

“Sure. You want some carrots, Legacy?” he called, digging around.

The horse whinnied in response.

Tess watched him, her heart suspended in anticipation.

“What’re these?” Finally, Silas pulled out the newborn-size cowboy boots she’d planted in the saddle bag after he’d fallen asleep last night.

“They’re cowboy boots.” She kept her tone neutral and waited for his reaction.

“Wow. They’re tiny.” He held them up and inspected them. “What are they? Christmas ornaments?”

Tess laughed. “No, silly. They’re for our new little buckaroo.”

“Oh.” It took a second but he finally jerked his head to stare at her, his eyes slowly widening. “Our new…ournew buckaroo?We’rehaving a buckaroo?”

“We are.” She stepped to him, her hand on her belly. “Probably sometime next May, but I can’t be sure yet.”

Silas blinked. And breathed. She could see his chest rising and falling.

“A baby?” He rested his hand on her stomach too, and she felt him trembling. “We’re having a baby?”

She nodded, tears running freely. “I thought Legacy should know too. Since she’s kind of the one who brought us together.”
