Page 117 of Devious Deals

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“To tell you I was right.”


“When I came to you for help and said only the Sea Warlock could save me.”

“Oh, pet. You’ve got it all wrong. I didn’t save you. You saved me.” He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. “And I’m so fucking glad you did.”



At the head of the table, Grandmama and Odin make polite conversation.

“I understand you recently returned from a trip as well?”

Odin says, “I did. Some of my brothers and I took a trip to Bali. I had some business with one of my silk producers, and the younger Vilulfs never miss an opportunity to travel.”

“Ah. Must be the single brothers.”

Odin grins. “Indeed. Most of my brothers returned, but my youngest brother, Hans, continued his journey to Australia.”

“And how long will he be gone?”

“Hard to say. At least a month, if I were to guess.” He cuts into his steak, asking, “Was the matter I mentioned earlier handled?”

Grandmama dips her head. “It was. I must admit that I’m embarrassed that it happened right under my nose.”

Mother asks, “What happened?”

“I fired Kristopher today. He’s lucky I let him live.” This gets my attention and I pause mid drink to listen. Grandmama continues, “He acted inappropriately, and I will not stand for it.”

Her gaze lands on me long enough for an icy chill to sweep through me.There’s no way she knows…

“I’m glad I could help.” Odin takes a drink of wine and says, “When my friend informed me via text message, I knew I had to do something.”

My lips part and I feel like I’m in some kind of dream. No, not a dream. Nightmare. There’s no way this is happening. It’s a coincidence. Or maybe Hans told Odin what I said. That has to be it. It has to!

Grandmama says, “I’d still like to know who the informant was.”

“Oh, I could never reveal my source. Rest assured that I have video proof in case it ever comes to it, though.” His gaze flickers to me before moving back to Grandmama.

I feel dizzy, like I’m actually going to pass out. He’s lying. There’s no way he knows I was with Kristopher. And video proof could mean anything. I repeat those words for the duration of the rest of the meal.

When everyone is finished eating, I pray that we’re about to be released from the table.

Grandmama clears her throat. “And now let us all make our way to the living room so that Odin and Selma can sign the contract.”

I have to fight groaning. No!

But I stand with the others, following Grandmama, Odin, and Mother from the room. Luckily, because I’m unmarried, I fall in place at the end of the line and can hide behind some cousins as we enter the formal living room. I hate this room. It’s always felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

Grandmama sits in her chair, motioning for Odin and my mother to go to the table near the fireplace, where a document awaits them. I have so many questions. How did the union come about? As far as I know, my mother and Odin don’t even know each other that well. Grandmama said she had decided that it was time for Mother to remarry. Why? And the biggest question of all is, how does Odin know what I said to Hans? Is he monitoring his phone? My face pales. Is someone monitoring mine? Oh my good god. The idea never even crossed my mind! I glance at Grandmama. I wouldn’t put it past her, though.

Mother reaches for the pen first, signing her name. She hands it to Odin, no emotion on her face. He takes it, signing his name with a similar expression. And just like that, my future is ruined. Any dreams I had of marrying Hans go up in flames and I can’t stop the disappointed sigh from leaving my lips.

Grandmama nods her head. “Excellent. Let us all toast the new couple.”

Like magic, servers enter the room with trays of champagne. Once everyone has a glass in hand, Grandmama lifts hers.
