Page 16 of Devious Deals

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When he pulls out, I feel our combined cum drip down my thighs.

Kieran taps my hip. “Time for bed, pet.”

I force myself to my feet and ask, “Am I allowed to wear the robe back to my room, Sir?”

He nods, reaching for it. Our fingers brush and I feel a zap of electricity shoot through me. Are these feelings real or am I feeling like this because we just had sex? Great sex. Mind blowing sex.

Taking the robe, I slip it on. The material rubs against my nipples, which are super sensitive from Kieran’s beard. He surprises me by reaching out, tying the belt around my waist.

“Be in my office at six in the morning on the dot. Understand?”

“I understand, Sir.”

“Good girl. Rest well.”

I practically float out of the office, to my room, where I use the toilet and clean up. When I slip under the covers, my thoughts are filled with Kieran and for the first time in a long time I’m not scared as I drift off to sleep.



I’m in place at six in the morning on the dot, though Kieran is nowhere to be found. The hardwood floors hurt my knees even with the pillow, but I’m not going to move. I won’t. Twenty minutes later, he comes strolling in, his long hair still damp from his shower. I lower my gaze as he sits next to me, petting the top of my head for a moment.Just like a pet. I shove the thought aside, focusing on other things instead.

His black loafers are clean, as if he’s never worn them before or he takes care of his things. His slacks are black, too, and one might think he only wears black, but his dress socks are a deep purple. I wonder if his socks are the only place he shows color? The underwear he wore last night was black, too. The thought makes me smile before I can stop myself.

“Care to share? What’s so amusing?”

“Nothing, Sir.”

He sighs. “Ari, this won’t work if you’re not honest with me.”

I risk a glance at him.

“I was trying to distract myself, Sir, so I started observing different things from my viewpoint. I noticed that your shoes and pants are black, but your socks aren’t. Then I wondered if your socks are the only clothing that has color in them, and I smiled.”

He grunts. “I have shirts in different colors.”

“White and grey don’t count,” I say before I remember myself. “Sorry, Sir.”

“So you’re saying I need a better wardrobe? Fitting, since I was thinking the same about you.”

His lips lift, and I’m struck that this is the first time I’ve seen him smile. It’s amazing how it changes him, making him look younger and friendly. If I were to see him on the streets and he smiled at me, I would want to know more about him. Who am I kidding? I want to know more about him right now, though I’ll never admit it.

“You have a lovely smile, Sir.”

He scoffs at that. “Go to your room and eat the meal that’s waiting. Once you are finished, you may take a shower and dress in the clothing waiting. Meet me here at nine and we’ll go shopping.”

I can’t remember the last time I’ve been shopping. Probably when Winter came to visit my family over spring break. That seems like forever ago when in reality it was just a year or so ago. I push myself to my feet and pad from the room before Kieran notices the look on my face and forces me to talk about it. He’s too observant and I don’t want to talk about Winter and what a shitty friend she is. Not now. Maybe never.

In my room, I find a tray with scrambled eggs and several pieces of pineapple. Odd paring, but I dig in, since I didn’t eat last night. When I’m finished, I go to the bathroom and find a pair of jeans, bra, and a t-shirt, but no underwear. My body is warm as I slip off the robe and turn on the water to the shower. Are the missing panties an oversight or intentional? My gut says this is intentional because I know I had some in my luggage. Who removed them? Him, or did he have Sebastian do it?

After showering, I dry my hair, braiding it so it hangs over my shoulder. The bruising on my face is hideous, but there isn’t anything I can do about it. Turning from my reflection, I pad to my room and dress in the jeans and a t-shirt.

I’m putting my shoes on when the clock chimes nine. Crap! I take the stairs two at a time, making my way to the first floor. As I enter the office, I almost run into Kieran.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t mean to be late,” I say.

“You’re right on time. Let’s go.”
