Page 21 of Devious Deals

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In my office, I close the door, locking it, and log onto my computer. Being away, even for a few hours, means my work will have tripled, but it was worth it to spend time with Ari. I snort when I see that her father has emailed me several times. He’d probably be blowing up my phone if he had my number. All the emails have the same theme. Give back his daughter or else. He knows what I’m doing. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Lifting my phone, I call my third in command, Edward Flounder. He answers on the first ring.

“This is Flounder.”

“Have the girls been removed from Alex Triton’s house?”

“They have.” He pauses. “I had to give them something to calm them down.”

“When does their plane leave?”

“At eleven. I’ll reach out when we land.”

“Any issues with the father?”

“He doesn’t know they’re gone yet. Our men spotted him at a casino, likely losing more money that he doesn’t have to lose.”


I debate letting Ari speak to her younger sisters before they leave the country, but that will only make things hard all around. No, she’ll get to talk to them once she has proven that she can obey.

So, I say, “Keep me updated, Flounder.”

“Will do, boss. I also have some intel on Max Erics.”

“Thanks. Talk later.”

I end the call and check my email, knowing Flounder will have already sent it. The email is short and to the point. Erics is pissed that I took what is his and is putting out feelers to see what I’m doing and where I’m keeping Ari. Good thing he’ll never find her here. I shoot off a few emails to my own resources, making sure it’s known what will happen to anyone who tries to cross me.

Glancing at the clock, I decide to make one last call. Alex Triton answers on the first ring.

“Ariel, baby? Is that you?”

“Try again, old man.”

“You bastard! Bring my daughter back now or—”

“Or nothing. We both know you don’t have a pot to piss in now that Erics will expect the money you foolishly borrowed to be repaid.”

There’s a pause, as if he’s trying to think of a comeback. “Max told me what you did in Vegas! We won’t stand for this.”

“You should think this out, old man. We both know that this doesn’t end well if you make the wrong move. And siding with him is definitely a wrong move.”

“How long have you been planning this?”

I snort. “Planning what?”

“Your pathetic attempt at revenge.”

“I think you’re just trying to blame someone for your own mistakes, old man.”

“We both know you’ve had it out for me ever since Minerva picked me!”

“Careful. If you truly believe this is revenge, then saying something like that is foolish.” I lower my tone. “Sweet Ari takes my cock so well. Just like her mother. Just thought you’d want to know…”

“You bastard! I’m going to kill you when I find you! I—”

I sigh, already bored with this conversation. “Maybe instead of spewing idle threats, you should take care of your own shit. How are your other daughters, by the way?”
