Page 38 of Devious Deals

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Her pretty face falls. “I only thought it might make sense for us to attend. Please forgive me, Kieran.”

He tips her chin. “There’s nothing to forgive, my love. You know I want to take you, but it’s too soon. Once I’m finished with my latest project, we can go public.”

Project? Is he talking about me?

Jane looks around the room and I duck.

“Where is she?”

There’s a pause. “I was just wondering the same thing. She’s likely in her room, napping.”

Jane sighs. “I wish you’d stop finding people like that. My mother is gone, which means you don’t have to keep helping them.”

“Ah, my love, but I do. You know I wouldn’t be here if your mother hadn’t helped me similarly.” I hear the smile in his voice as he says, “And then we’d never met and fallen in love.”

“You promise this is the last one, right?”

“I promise. In fact, I’m using Vilulf’s engagement party to put out feelers. Let some of the single men see the progress I’ve made with her.”

His shoes hit the hardwood floors as he walks, which lets me know he’s headed right toward me. Shit! I close my eyes, willing him to turn around. He doesn’t. Instead, he sits, his legs bumping right into me. Something hits the floor right next to me, and I force my eyes open just in time to see Kieran looking under the desk. I expect him to be mad. I don’t expect to see the wicked glint in his eyes.

“Ah, there’s my pen,” he says as he grabs the ink pen in front of me. “Jane, my love, sit. I’ll have Seb bring us some tea.”

Her footsteps signal that she’s doing as he told her to do. Guess I’m not the only one he orders around.

“How is Sebastian? I feel like I haven’t seen him in ages.”

Kieran chuckles. “Seb is Seb. Do you want some sweets with your tea?”

“You know I do.”

He shifts. “Seb, Jane and I would like tea and some sweets.”

Is he doing this on purpose? He knows I’m in here. Why drag this out? As if sensing my train of thought, he spreads his legs and reaches for me with one hand, pulling me toward him. He looks down at me, giving me a knowing look. Oh, my good god. Does he really want me to—

Jane says, “Sebastian! How nice to see you.”

Seb answers, “It’s been too long, Jane.”

As they talk, Kieran doesn’t break eye contact with me. No, he watches me as he slips his hands under the desk, unbuttoning his pants and freeing his hard cock.

“Suck,” he mouths.

I should tell him no, but there’s a part of me that wants to do this while Jane is here. She might be the one he calls his love, but I’ll be the one bringing him pleasure. Leaning forward, I kiss the head of his cock in the same way that I wish I could kiss his mouth. The purple tip glistens with pre-cum, and I lick it off slowly. Kieran’s jaw tics and he leans back in his chair as Jane and Seb talk.

Closing my mouth around the tip, I suck gently, knowing he likes it harder. His hand snakes under the desk, fisting my hair in warning. I smile, meeting his gaze as I open my mouth wider, taking more of him into my mouth.

“Fuck,” Kieran says.

“Kieran, is everything okay?” Jane’s sweet voice is laced with concern.

Kieran clears his throat. “I just remembered I was supposed to dial into a meeting.”

I snort around his cock. He arches his hips, pushing himself further into my mouth, likely in punishment, but the joke is on him because I like it when he gets rough with me. Pulling back, I suck on the tip again, knowing it’ll drive him wild.

Jane says, “I can leave, if you need me to.”

Seb chimes in, “It would be a shame if you didn’t get to have tea before you left.”
