Page 40 of Devious Deals

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I know that means the milking room, but maybe he got me something for my birthday, too. My body hums with excitement.

“Guess I better rest.”

I move off him, missing him right away.

I’m almost to the door when he says, “Ari? Wear the outfit.”

I grin. “Of course, Sir.”

* * *


Getting any work done after Ariel’s surprise is nearly impossible. I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes. When I returned, I had every intention of fucking her until Jane showed up. Seeing Jane was… confusing. I’ve always been able to keep my work and personal life separate, but at that moment, I was angry that Jane had arrived uninvited and unannounced. Then to find Ari under my desk in that fucking outfit…

I sigh, running my hand over my face. Fuck. This is getting messy. I need to remember why I’m doing this. Opening the top drawer of my desk, I pull out the only photo I have of me and Minerva. We’re standing together, her arms around my waist. We’re both smiling, dressed to the nines for our senior prom. I can’t remember the last time I was that naïvely happy and unaware of what was going on around me. I thought we were the only two people in the world who knew about Minerva’s condition. Little did I know that Alex Triton would ruin my life the very next day when he took what was mine.

Anger washes over me like an old familiar friend and I welcome it. Revenge. This is all about revenge. When this is over, I will toss Ari to the side and move on with my life. Ari and her family won’t be able to say the same.

Finding my resolve, I turn my attention to my computer just as there’s a knock on the door.

“Do you have a moment of time for your second in command?” Seb asks as he enters my office.

“Looks like you’re not giving me a choice.”

He sits in the chair across from my desk, staring at me for a moment. I know Seb. He’s about to deliver one of his infamous speeches.

“Jane wasn’t happy when she left.”

“I figured as much.”

His leg bounces as he tries to gather his thoughts. “Kieran, why are you still with her?”

“She’s my fiancée, Seb, or have you forgotten?”

“Believe me, I haven’t forgotten. I just don’t know why.”

“Why? You know why. It was Sabrina’s last wish.”

He waves his hand. “I understand that, but neither of you is happy.”

“Happy,” I scoff. “What does happiness have to do with anything? We’ve known each other for years and this is something that we agreed upon.”

“Yes, on the same day that a person who was very important to the both of you died. And happiness has a lot to do with having a successful relationship.”

“I assume you have a point that you’re going to get to sooner rather than later.”

“I know Ari was in here when Jane arrived.”

“Know how?”

“I saw her enter the study in her outfit.” He eyes me. “She was under the desk, and you had her suck you off while Jane was in here. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I’m still not seeing your point, Seb. Yes, Ariel was in here. She’s here as my sex slave and was doing her duties as said slave.”

“Don’t talk about her like that. She’s not just a sex slave any more than she’s just another sub.”

He gives me a long look that makes the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.
