Page 43 of Devious Deals

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My voice is thick with emotion as I say, “I can’t wait to meet her.”

Ayla asks, “Does that mean we get to see you soon?”

“Not for a while, but I promise I’ll come the moment I can.”

Andrina says, “We were told that you’re not with Max Erics anymore and that you’re under the protection of Kieran Van der Zee. Is that where you are now?”

I glance at Kieran, who nods.

“Yes. Kieran is here with me right now.”

Arista says, “Thank you for saving our sister, Mr. Van der Zee. And thank you for saving us.”

“It’s your sister you should thank. I’ve only done what she’s asked.”

I smile at Kieran, knowing that’s not the truth. They are safe because of him.

Andrina says, “As much as we appreciate your help, I do want to say one thing. If you hurt our sister, Mr. Van der Zee, you’re going to have to answer to all of us.”


Kieran surprises me by laughing. “Noted, Ms. Triton. Now, I’ll leave the four of you so you can catch up in peace.”

He winks at me as he stands and leaves. I’m floored. But then I remember that there are cameras in my room, so even though he’s not here, he’ll know what’s said. Is this some kind of test? I’d hate to think so, but why else would he leave me to chat freely?

“How are the three of you? Be honest.”

Arista answers, “We’re good, Ari. We promise. England is so much better than Chicago.”

Andrina adds, “And now we don’t have to worry about Dad trying to sell us to the highest bidder.”

“Ayla, what are your thoughts?”

“I agree with Drina and Arista. It was a little scary at first, especially whenthat mangrabbed us in the van, but once we found out who he was, everything made sense.”

Andrina snorts. “What’s she not saying is that she has a huge crush on said man. It’s ‘Flounder this’ and ‘Flounder that’. I wish the man would text her back, so she’ll stop talking about him.”

“Flounder is the one who took you to England?”

Ayla says, “Yes. Well, kind of. You’re probably not going to like this part, but he drugged us when Andrina and Arista tried to fight him. In our defense, he’s intimidating at first glance, and we’ve been raised not to trust anyone. So we weren’t sure what to think about him at first, but he stayed until we were comfortable.”

I glance at the camera in the room's corner. “I most certainly did not know that bit of information.”

“Oh jeez. I hope we didn’t get Mr. Van der Zee in trouble.” Ayla pauses. “So, are you going to spill?”

“Spill? There’s nothing to spill.” The words sound like a lie to my own ears, and my face is flaming, even though no one is around.

Andrina says, “Bull shit, Ari. You’ve been with him for three months. You can’t expect us to believe that you haven’t slept with him.”

“Drina! I could say the same about you and Amy, if that’s how we’re basing things.”

“Amy and I are taking things slow. Now spill.”

I don’t want to tell my sisters about the contract and what I’ve done to ensure their safety, so I go with a half-truth.

“Kieran is helping me find a husband. We’re not together. He’s… he’s just a good friend.”

Ayla sighs. “That’s a pity. The two of you would make a beautiful couple.”
