Page 48 of Devious Deals

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Mr. Jafar says, “Van der Zee, I’d like you to meet my fiancée, Ellie.”

My lips part in surprise. Fiancée? I could have sworn he was married. But the ring on Ellie’s finger suggests that is not the case.

Kieran says, “Ah, the infamous Ellie. I see you found your way back to Jafar.”

Ellie eyes him, as if she doesn’t like him.

“I did.” She turns to me. “I’m so glad you could get away from that man in Vegas.”

I’m about to answer when I remember what Kieran said. I glance at him, waiting for permission. He dips his head in a slight nod, which is better than nothing.

“Thank you so much for calling Kieran. You saved my life, Ellie.”

I mean it, too. Without thinking, I throw my arms around her, hugging her close. She hugs me back and my eyes water.

Kieran clears his throat. “As delightful as this reunion is, we must say hello to a few other people before we leave.”

“Do we have to leave so soon?” Kieran’s gaze snaps to mine and I freeze. “Sorry.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

He doesn’t answer but walks away. I trail after him, feeling as if I’ve messed up. We make our way to a group of men who greet Kieran. I’m not introduced, and I look at my feet just to keep the tears from falling. I overstepped. He told me not to speak to anyone, and I did. Not only that, but then I had to question him.

We move to another group of people and Kieran still doesn’t introduce or even acknowledge me, really.

A woman touches my arm, smiling. “You look so familiar, dear. What’s your name?”

I shake my head, pointing to my throat as if I can’t speak.

“Oh, do you have that dreadful bug going around? I lost my voice for nearly a week when I had it. Try a hot toddy when you get home. It’ll help.”

I nod and move closer to Kieran, who still ignores me. We move to another group of men and Kieran chats with them while I look around, seeing if I spot anyone I know. Not that it will do any good since I’m not supposed to talk. I glare at Kieran’s back. He’s being a jerk over something that wasn’t that big of a deal.

On the opposite side of the room, a large group of people enter. They’re all dressed to the extreme, giving off royalty vibes. Elsa leads the way. I’ve met her a few times and don’t really like her. She was one of the people who first told my father that he should sell his daughters years ago, and I’ve never forgiven her for it. Then she did nothing to stop my father from selling me to Max when she could have. And the fact that she’s friends with Midas is just the icing on the cake for reasons not to like her.

Elsa wears an icy blue gown, which is fitting since she’s an icy bitch. At her side is Odin Vilulf, the head of the Vilulf Family. He’s older, in his mid-fifties, but is still very handsome. Plus, he’s got the whole silver fox thing going on, and who doesn’t love that? Selma, Elsa’s daughter, is at Odin’s other side in a white gown. On principle alone, I don’t like her. I’ve always heard she’s as ruthless as Elsa, so I feel justified in judging her without knowing her.

I spot some of Elsa’s other daughters and granddaughters in the mix. That is one thing that makes Elsa and her family unusual. She values the women where most Families in the Mafia don’t. Of course, it could also be because she never had a son.

The group makes its way to an area with three chairs that look like thrones. I bite back a snort. God, they really think they’re better than everyone, don’t they?

Kieran leans down, whispering in my ear. “And what are you laughing at?”

I look up, meeting his gaze. “Just thinking about how some people have high opinions of themselves.”

He looks toward the group and nods. “That they do.”

“Are you still mad at me?”

He doesn’t answer, so I turn my attention back to the couple of the hour. Malik Jafar wastes no time making his way to the group, Ellie at his side. He speaks to Odin and Selma, but it’s Elsa who shows interest in what’s being said.

Her loud voice carries across the room. “Fiancée? Does this mean you’re divorcing that wench, Jasmine?”

The room goes silent, and one of her daughters gasps. “Mama!”

Elsa waves her hand in dismissal. “Anyone who knows Jasmine knows that she’s a bitch. You girl, come closer so I can look at you.”
