Page 5 of Devious Deals

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I finally reach the bathroom. The woman looking back at me is yet again a stranger. How long will it be before I don’t know her? How long until she stops fighting? Turning, I look over my shoulder to see the path of his destruction so clearly marked on my skin. As much as I don’t want to, I turn on the water in the shower. I need to wash my back, so it doesn’t get infected. God knows he’s not going to get me an antibiotic or even an ointment to help with the pain. Tears fall silently down my face as I wash my body. By the time I’m finished, I’m lightheaded. I don’t bother drying off, padding to the room. Max still isn’t back, so I climb into bed, letting myself fall into a restless sleep where nightmares plague me and I’m all alone.



Sleep doesn’t come easily to me. Every sound startles me, and I find myself looking for Max. He doesn’t come back, though, and I finally allow myself the liberty to fall asleep. Around nine, I finally get out of bed. I’m standing over my suitcase when Max enters the suite. He looks like he’s been up all night, and still reeks of booze and body odor, but has also somehow added the skunky scent of weed into the mix. My stomach roils, and I breathe through my mouth, praying like hell that I don’t barf everywhere.

“Get dressed. You’re coming with me to a meeting.” Before I can respond, he adds, “And don’t bother trying to cover your bruises.”

That statement worries me. A lot.

“What would you like me to wear?”

He sighs. “Do I have to do everything? Pick something and come on.”

I move from the bed, padding to my suitcase. My back is still hurting, so I pick a loose-fitting top and a pair of jeans. By the time I meet him in the living room of the suite, he’s huffing and puffing.

Grabbing my arm, he tugs me toward the elevator.

“You are to remain silent. Understand?”

I nod. He’s tense and pulls out his cellphone, typing. When the lift stops, he steps out and I follow him. I’m surprised when we enter another room. The scent of cigarette smoke assaults my nose, but it’s nothing compared to the scent of something decaying somewhere in the room. I breathe through my mouth, praying I don’t vomit everywhere.

Max says, “Here she is. The pride of Alex Triton. You can tell Mr. Facilier that I wasn’t lying.”

There are three men sitting around a card table. I eye each one of them, wondering if someone might help me. But then I realize what Max said. These men work for Mr. Facilier, which means I will not find help here.

One man turns to the other. “Two Fingers, you see what I’m seeing?”

The man turns his dark gaze on me before looking at Max. “Sure am. If this is how you treat the pride of other men, Erics, then I can assure you that Mr. Facilier won’t do business with you.”

Max sputters, “It was her fault. She tried to run, so I stopped her.”

The man, Two Fingers, holds up his hand. Oh my. Guess that’s how he got the name, as two fingers are missing from his right hand, leaving behind a jagged scar that looks painful even now.

“Looks like you beat the shit out of her. Ain’t that right, Big Daddy?”

The bigger man, who’s been silent until now, nods. “My father used to beat women. He got what was coming to him just like you’ll get yours.” Big Daddy then pulls out the biggest knife I’ve seen in my life, setting it on the table in front of him. “You should go before I decide I want that pretty thing for myself.”

Max’s face turns bright red. “I will not stand for this kind of disrespect fromsoldiers! I am Max Erics, one of the most powerful men in New York, and I demand to speak to your Boss.”

Big Daddy chuckles, turning to the first man who spoke. “Hear that, Marlon? This fucker thinks he’s someone special. If that were the case, then why isn’t he one of the men in charge?”

Max’s grip tightens around my arm, making me whimper. I’m already in pain from where he hurt me last night.

“I’ll be in charge soon enough.”

“What? You think you’re going to rally enough support to take on Malik Jafar, Odin Vilulf,andKieran fucking Van der Zee?”

“That’s exactly what Iknowis going to happen.” He jerks his head in my direction. “Her father was one of Midas’ highest-ranking soldiers. That doesn’t go unnoticed. Once we have a child, we will be unstoppable.”

I can’t stop the gag that slips past my lips.

Marlon snorts. “Looks like she’s thrilled about the idea. Hey Red, our Boss has a son that will treat you real nice. You’ll be Vegas royalty. Just give us the word.”

Max’s nails dig into my skin, and he mutters, “Remember our deal.”

Hot tears fill my eyes. As much as I want to say yes, I know I can’t. There’s no guarantee I’ll be married off to Facilier’s son. Hell, I might end up in a worse situation than I’m already in if the rumors about the Vegas crime scene are true. I shake my head because what else can I do?
