Page 59 of Devious Deals

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I look out the window. “I don’t see her.”

“That’s none of your concern.”

My door opens and I realize that we’re at the back of the building. Seb gives me a small smile as I walk toward him. Another door closes and I turn, seeing Jane walking from a car toward the SUV. She climbs in my vacated seat, but not before shooting me a contented smirk, as if she’s just bested me.

Is this because I told Kieran that I love him?

Seb touches my arm. “Ari?”

“I’m fine. Let’s go.” As we walk, I ask, “Do you know if Midas and his wife are here?”

“They aren’t expected to arrive for another hour or so.”

Good. With any luck, I won’t have to see Winter.

Inside, I’m in awe at the amount of people in attendance. Ellie’s fundraiser is going to be an enormous success. That makes me happy because I know how hard she worked to pull this off.

Seb asks, “Would you like something to drink while we wait for Kieran to arrive?”

“No, thank you.”

He looks like he wants to say something, but I’m not in the mood, and a drink is the last thing I need.

“I need to use the restroom. Excuse me.”

“Ari, I really don’t think—”

“It’s fine, Seb, really.”

I make my way to the hallway where the bathroom is and slip inside, locking the door behind me. A cell phone would be useful right now. I could text with my sisters. No, I can’t think about them. Not when I’m already feeling sorry for myself. There’s a chair next to the vanity, and I sit, smoothing the skirt of my dress. I’ve always hated dressing up. It makes me feel like an imposter. Like, I shouldn’t be here with all these powerful people. No, if I had it my way, I’d be somewhere quiet where I could listen to the waves of the ocean as they crash against rocks on the shore. Maybe I’ll go on a vacation when this is all over, if my new husband will allow it.

Husband. I frown. That’s how this is going to end. I’ve known that all along, of course, but now that Kieran has rejected me, my path is becoming clearer. My time with Kieran is coming to an end. It’s in my best interest to harden my heart and prepare myself for what’s coming.

A knock on the door startles me.

“You can’t hide in there all night, pet.”

I close my eyes, hating how his voice affects me. I’m headed toward a heartbreak, and he doesn’t seem to care. If he did, he’d either tell me how he truly feels, or he’d let me go. Because I know he’s lying when he says he feels nothing for me.

Wiping at my eyes, I unlock the door, brushing past him.

“Where’s Jane?” I call over my shoulder. “Shouldn’t you be with her?”

He grabs my arm, stopping me.

“Are you jealous, pet?”

My chin wobbles, but I shake my head. “Jealous is not the word I’d use.”

His gaze searches mine, as if he’s trying to find some sort of answer or solution. I pull away, sighing. He won’t find what he’s looking for because he doesn’t want to face the truth. I’m hurt because I love him, and he can’t admit that he loves me. Period.

“Well, let’s get this over with. I’m sure you have more men you’d like me to meet, and I’d like to say hello to Ellie at some point.”

His eyebrow lifts, but he nods. “Then let us make our way around the room.”

We make our way back to the party. I look around, seeing if I can spot Jane and Winter. I don’t want to run into either, for very different reasons. Jane is speaking to a group of women, showing off a ring on her left hand. My chest tightens. Did he give her a ring tonight after pushing me out of the SUV?

“This way, pet.”
