Page 77 of Devious Deals

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I shake my head. “I can’t. Tell him I’m sick.”

Clayton rounds the corner, smirking. “You don’t look sick, stepmother. Come. My father wants me to send him a photo of you in your dress.”

I meet Seb’s gaze, trying to figure out what to do. Seb’s phone rings at that moment and he looks torn. I know without looking that Kieran is the one on the phone.

“Let’s give the man some privacy,” Clayton says, wrapping his hand around my injured wrist.

I whimper as he pulls me away from Seb, who’s speaking in low tones on the phone.

“So you thought Mr. Van der Zee would save you now that he’s back in town?” He laughs. “The sooner you realize no one is going to save you, the easier this is going to be. Now, the wedding is in one week, so I need you to behave and do everything you’re told. If you don’t, you’ll find there’s hell to pay.”

He releases my arm as Seb approaches.

“Ms. Triton cannot go to her dress fitting, as she has a prior appointment.”

“What appointment?”

“That is none of your concern.”

Clayton looks like he’s going to say something but laughs instead. “Fine. I will call Mr. Van der Zee to confirm this so-called appointment.”

He gives me a look before leaving.

I lean against the wall for support when he’s gone. “Why did you lie?”

Seb says, “I didn’t. You do have an appointment. One I made today and just informed Kieran about.”

“Where am I going?”

“To see Dr. Grimsby. You’ve been pale, and I’m worried about you.” He pauses. “Plus, Mr. Greystoke has requested bloodwork to ensure that you are clean before the wedding. We’ll kill two birds with one stone this way.”

My stomach roils. “Which one requested it?”

“The elder Mr. Greystoke.” He touches my arm. “Are you ready?”


I nod. “Yeah.”

As we drive toward New Jersey, I think I see Clayton’s car several times. He’s not following us, is he? The thing is, I wouldn’t put it past him.

Seb doesn’t try to make small talk, and for that, I’m thankful. We arrive at Dr. Grimsby’s clinic, and I’m taken right into a room where a nurse takes a blood sample. I realize when she leaves me that this is the first time I’ve been alone since I agreed to marry John Greystoke. Closing my eyes, I exhale and enjoy being alone.

My peace is short-lived as Dr. Grimsby enters, his nurse on his heels.

“Well, Ms. Triton, everything seems in order. You’re as healthy as a cow.” He chuckles. “I mean horse.”

My cheeks are warm. Does he know about Kieran’s kink? Something tells me he just might. Wonder if I should tell him that Kieran no longer has a need for me as his cow? It’s not worth wasting my breath on this fool, though.

“Now you’re a bit anemic, so I’m going to give you another vitamin to take.”

“What kind of vitamin?”


Maybe that’s why I’ve been feeling so run down?

