Page 8 of Devious Deals

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“And she clearly looks like she’s here on her own free will. Ariel, get your things and go to the door.”

I’m frozen with fear.


He looks at me this time. “Now.”

Scurrying from the bed, I go to my suitcase. The purple dress that Max forced me to wear is on top, and I throw it across the room before grabbing a pair of jeans. I’m so thankful that my t-shirt covers most of the bruises on my body. I’m not sure I can handle a man like Kieran seeing just how far I’ve fallen. I slip the jeans on and put on my shoes before zipping the bag and pulling it behind me as I run to the front door of the suite.

Two of Max’s men are slumped over on the couch and look as if they’re sleeping. But I know better, especially when I see the red blooms of blood on their shirts. Shit. He wasn’t kidding when he said they were dead. There’s a man standing at the door, and motions for me to go to the hallway. I don’t need to be told twice. There are four more men out there. None pay me any attention and all of them have guns. It feels like forever before Kieran emerges, waving for his men to follow. I somehow end up in the middle of everyone and someone takes my bag from me as we make our way to the elevator. My heart pounds as we step inside.

Am I truly free? I meet Kieran’s gaze in the door's reflection and my stomach feels like it’s full of angry bees. Or have I just gone from one monster to another?



There are a million things I want to ask Kieran, but the mood is so tense in the elevator that I can’t bring myself to speak. Outside, I’m ushered to the back of a black SUV. At least they didn’t put me in handcuffs, like Max did. Kieran climbs in next to me, and we pull away from the hotel. His jaw is set, and his entire body is tense. When I glance down, I’m shocked to see his knuckles are bloodied and bruised.

I should ask what happened to Max, but the first thing out of my mouth is, “He put a tracking device in my neck. He’s going to know where I am!”

Kieran turns. “Where?”

Lifting my hair, I show him the spot. I’m finally away from Max, and I’ll be damned if I let the tracking device be my downfall. Kieran touches my neck before pulling a folding knife out of his pocket.

“This is going to hurt.”

Air hisses from my lips as the blade pierces my skin, digging out the device. It hurts, but I’ve been through much worse at the hands of Max.


Turning, I see the small pill shaped object in his hand. Reaching for it, I roll down the window and toss it outside. For the first time in months, I feel free. Closing my eyes, I take in a deep breath. Everything is going to be okay. I know it.

We’re soon pulling up to a private airstrip, stopping next to a jet. I’ve never been on a jet before. It’s a strange thought to have when I should be worried about what’s going to happen to me. Men like Kieran don’t do things out of the goodness of their hearts, and I did say I was willing to do anything if he’d help me. What if he asks for something that I’m not prepared to give? What then?

Kieran climbs out of the SUV and calls over his shoulder, “Come.”

I don’t know if it’s his tone or the fact that I’m still in shock that he’s really here, but I scurry after him. Inside the jet, I pause, looking around in awe. The jet holds maybe ten people, and each seat is spacious, unlike the seats I’m used to seeing on planes. Kieran sits and points to the chair across the aisle from him. I slide into the leather seat, buckling the seat belt. Four of his men enter, taking the seats behind us, speaking in low tones to each other. My leg bounces as I wait for Kieran to say something, but he’s silent. Maybe he’s waiting for the jet to take off? But not a single word leaves his lips as we rise high into the sky.

My palms are sweating, and I wipe them on my pants. The peace I felt moments ago slowly evaporates as I head toward the unknown.

I blurt, “Did you kill him?”

He ignores me, pulling out his phone instead.

“Please, I need to know.”

“Having regrets?” He huffs. “You haven’t even heard my terms yet.”

“Terms? I assumed they would be the same as before.”

“You assumed incorrectly.” He meets my gaze this time. “You had a leg to stand on the first time you came to me.”

I feel like I’m going to be sick. Like, I might actually vomit all over this man’s million-dollar jet.

“What are the terms?”

“We’ll discuss it when we get to my house in New York. Until then, I suggest resting. You’re going to need a clear head when we land.”
