Page 81 of Devious Deals

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Those four words have danced around my mind nonstop for the last two days. After Kieran said them to me, I left his office, going to my room. I haven’t seen him since. I wish the same could be said about Clayton. Each day he collects me, taking me on some errand for the wedding. The only thing that’s different is that he doesn’t touch me. I don’t know what the shift is, but I welcome it.

It’s what happens each night that scares me. When I look out my window, I see his car parked in front of the house. All night. Sleep evades me and I feel like I’m going out of my mind. Maybe that’s what Clayton intends. To stalk me to the point that I go crazy and give into his demands. Case in point, he followed me into Manhattan and was parked across the street from the hotel where I’m meeting Ellie. I enter the hotel, still feeling his gaze on my back as the door closes.

Inside, I’m led to the dining room where Ellie is waiting, a smile on her face. I sit across from her.

“I’m so glad that you could come today.”

She has no idea that I’ll be a married woman this time next week. I want to tell her, but then I realize we’re not going to be alone today.

I gesture to the other seats. “Who else is coming?”

“Anna, if she can get away from her horrible stepfather, and two of my friends from Chicago.”

My stomach drops. “Chicago?”

She nods. “I’ve become quite close with some wives of the Chicago crime scene.”

“Oh? Who all is coming today?”

“Amelia Hook and Winter Phrygia.”

I reach for my glass of water, taking a drink. “Winter is coming?”

“Do you know her?”


“Oh, dear. I take it by your tone that the two of you aren’t friends?”

“We used to be best friends, actually. Winter and I met in college.” I frown. “Sorry. I don’t mean to bring down the mood.”

Ellie reaches across the table, taking my hand into hers. “Ari, I’m not worried about you bringing down the mood. I’m the one who should be apologizing. It never even crossed my mind to ask if you minded that other people would be coming.”

“It’s fine. I promise. Besides, we’re bound to cross paths eventually.”

Ellie glances over my shoulder. “I’m sorry to say it’s much sooner.” She stands. “Amelia. Winter. How nice to see you both.”

I stand, too, and turn to face the approaching women. I’ve never seen Amelia before, but she is quite lovely. And quite pregnant.

Winter’s eyes widen when she sees me, and she stops.


“Hi, Winter.”

There’s a weighty pause, and then she’s rushing toward me, throwing her arms around me.

“Oh, my god. I’ve been so worried.” She pulls back. “Where have you been?”

I let out a bitter laugh before I can stop it.

“Where have I been? Why, I was with Max Erics, the manyourhusband urged my father to marry me off to.” I nod my head toward Ellie. “Ask Ellie how we met.”

Winter’s eyebrows draw together. “I don’t understand. Ellie, how did you meet Ari?”

Ellie takes her seat and says, “I met her in Vegas.”

Both women gasp, making me think they know all about Ellie’s time there.
