Page 87 of Devious Deals

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I slam my hand on the desk. “Then you didn’t do your job! Tell me, Sebastian, how many other times have you let her go in alone?”

“Just this once, I swear.”

I’ve known John Greystoke for years and have always respected him. The same cannot be said for his snake of a son. Jane’s words taunt me. Did Ari fuck him? She’s mad at me, so anything is possible, but my mind goes to darker places. There are rumors about Clayton Greystoke that suggest he takes what he pleases. And Ari tried to tell me he has already hurt her…

I stand, shoving my chair back so hard that it hits the wall with a loud thud. “If he harmed her, he’s a dead man.”

“I agree.” He shifts. “Kieran, there’s something else.”

“What is it?”

“Her father was at the hotel and spoke to her.”

“How did he know where she was?”

“I can only assume that he’s been following her.”

“Did she say what he said?”

He shakes his head, and I curse.

“This is my fault.”

“It is,” he agrees. “And there’s more.”


“I’ve been monitoring Ari since you took her to see Grimsby.”


“She hasn’t had her menstruation cycle in two months.”

“You’re just now telling me this?”

He exhales. “I was hoping you would see reason on your own.”

“What reason is that?”

“That you and Ari belong together.” He’s not done and says, “I feared that if you found out too soon that you would try to use the baby to punish her. I hope that’s not the case now.”

I don’t say a fucking word.

“As you know, I took her to see Grimsby. The lab work confirmed it. She’s pregnant.”

I gesture to the paper on my desk. “This was sent to me today by Odin Vilulf. He has intel that changes the game.”

Seb reaches for the paper, reading over it.

“He’s sure?”

“Vilulf is a lot of things, but he’s never wrong. Not about something like this.”

“What happens now?”

I smile. “Now? Now we put my new plan into action. And it all starts with this.”

I push a wedding invitation toward him.
