Page 89 of Devious Deals

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My eyes water at his dismissal and I stumble out of my room. Seb is waiting downstairs, and Jane is nowhere in sight.


“I don’t want to talk about it,” I sob.

Outside, it’s raining, which is fitting considering my dark mood. I climb into the back of the SUV. Seb gives me privacy and sits in the front, where he speaks to Archie in low tones.

Closing my eyes, I try to mentally prepare myself for what happens next. The meeting with John and the lawyers. A final dress fitting tomorrow. A rehearsal dinner on Thursday. And on Friday I face the unknown without the protection of Kieran.

“Ari, we’re here.”

We’re stopped in front of a tall building where there’s a nonstop flow of people entering and leaving. Holding my head high, I get out of the car. I can do this. I have to.

Inside, Seb and I are told to take an elevator to the thirteenth floor, which sends a foreboding feeling through me.

Seb must be thinking the same thing because he says, “Thirteenth floor? They’re just asking for something bad to happen.”

The doors to the elevator open and we step out. Two men in suits are waiting for us.

“Hello, Ms. Triton. I’m Larry Jetsam. This is my partner, Moe Flotsam. We represent Mr. Van der Zee and are honored to be helping you out today.”

Seb says, “Jetsam and Flotsam have been with Kieran for years now. Believe me when I say that you’re getting the very best.”

Jetsam says, “Mr. Greystoke and his team are here, but we’d like to speak with you privately to make sure we understand your needs.”

“I’d like that, too.”

“Right this way.”

I’m led to a conference room where the three of us sit.

Seb says, “I can leave.”

“Please stay. I could use a friend.”

He sits next to me, giving me a reassuring smile.

Jetsam opens his folder. “Okay, we have an initial prenuptial agreement that Mr. Greystoke’s team drafted. Right off the bat, there are things that we won’t stand for.”

“Such as?”

“For one, there’s a clause that states you don’t get a dime if he dies the moment after you say I do. There are also no monies set aside if you and Mr. Greystoke produce heirs of your own. Everything will go to his current heir.”

“Does it say anything about me having to marry his son when he dies?”

Flotsam answers, “Yes. It’s hidden toward the middle, but I’ve made a notation of it. Is this something that you wanted?”

“No. In fact, I want it in writing that once my marriage to John is over that my business with the Greystoke family is concluded. I also want to ensure that I’ll be taken care of financially when he passes. And I want no contact with Clayton.”

Jetsam nods. “We can do that. Anything else?”

“Nothing that I can think of.”

Jetsam says, “We can meet with the others if you’re ready.”

I nod and stand.

Seb says, “I can’t be in there for that part, but I’ll be here, waiting.”
