Page 99 of Devious Deals

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“Then why am I here?”

“So we could chat. Get to know each other a bit better. Just because Ari will be marrying your father, and then you, doesn’t mean my business with her is concluded.”

This is an outright lie, but he’ll never know.

“You care for the girl, Van der Zee? Is that what this is?”


“No. But I’d be a foolish businessman not to ensure that my ward is taken care of.”

“Why did you make a deal with her? Surely, she had nothing to offer.”

“Oh, Ms. Triton has plenty to offer.” I’m the one giving knowing looks now. “And my business with her is none of your concern.”

I wave down the bartender, pointing to Clayton. He nods his head and gets to work making another drink.

Leaning back in my seat, I say, “How’s the business doing?”


He’s lying right now. Because of him, the Greystoke legacy is close to swirling down the drain. He’s made deals he’ll never be able to uphold, robbing Peter to pay Paul, so to speak. He’s used assets for collateral, borrowing more than he’ll ever be able to pay back in this lifetime. His father thinks he’s a genius because he hasn’t bothered to look at the books. And the money that Clayton so foolishly moves around will be gone the moment Ari marries his father.

I nod. “Good to hear. I took a meeting the other day and my friend was mentioning the Greystoke name.”

“Oh?” Another drink is delivered, and Clayton reaches for it, taking a healthy sip. “Good things I hope.”

“Only the best.”

“Would I know who this friend is?”

I smile. “You likely would. I believe you just signed another deal with him last week.”

Clayton’s face pales and he takes another drink before saying, “Ah, yes. Mr. Facilier has become a great resource for my business.”

And the source of his demise, though Clayton doesn’t know it yet. Facilier has made his own business by making deals with those who have no choices left. Unlike me, he makes no moves to help the people them. Instead, he lets them claw down their own walls until everything crumbles around them.

I lift my drink. “To Facilier and all that he brings to the table.”

* * *

Several hours later, I leave the club after sending Greystoke home in a cab. My head aches from listening to him ramble on.

My car arrives at the house, and I step out, feeling my age. Fuck. Today was a lot. I can’t stop thinking about what Clayton said about Ari sucking his dick. What else has he made her do?

I check my phone as I enter the house. Seb texted, saying Ari went to her room an hour ago and hasn’t been out since. I make my way to the second floor, stopping outside Ari’s door. She’s crying. I don’t need the security feed or a text message to know that. Not when her soft sobs carry under the door. Fuck. I want to go to her and comfort her, but I can’t. The moment I touch her, I won’t be able to let her go, and this plan of mine has to go off without a hitch. Spinning on my heels, I go to my room, locking the door behind me.

Two days. That’s all that’s left until I make all of this right. I just pray I’m not too late.



One day. That’s all that I have left before my life changes forever. I look up at the ceiling. I had the strangest dream last night, and it has stuck with me even now. In it, my father showed up at the wedding and stopped me from marrying John. He took me by the hand and led me away. Just as I was about to reach the door, my feet became stuck, and I couldn’t move. Outside, I could see my sisters. And Kieran. He was out there, too, begging me to reach him in time. But I couldn’t move. All I could do was stand there.

It’s just a silly dream. I know it. My father isn’t going to save me. Even if he did, Kieran wouldn’t care one way or another where I went. Heck, I haven’t seen him since that kiss after I told off Jane. I touch my lips. I miss him. So much.

My eyes water and I roll to my side, willing myself to go back to sleep. This has to be some kind of depression because all I want to do is sleep. At least I’m not nauseous anymore. Well, not as much. Thinking about the rehearsal dinner makes me feel queasy. God, I don’t want to go to this dinner tonight. I mean, it’s a joke to begin with. It’s not like this is a real wedding. But Clayton insisted and John said it was fine by him, or so Clayton says. I don’t understand why Clayton even cares.
