Page 14 of Vicious Vows

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“You’re delusional.”

He shrugs, tossing my coat at me. “Let’s go.”

I hate that I feel his cum running down my thigh with the first step that I take. Fine. He wants me to show everyone what he did to me? I will. I drop the coat on the ground and stroll to the elevator. He snorts and joins me. We step in when the lift arrives, both standing as far away from each other as we can.

Outside, my nipples harden as the cold air greets us, but I keep my head high as we walk to the SUV. Odin opens the door, and I notice one guard watching us with interest. An idea crosses my mind. As I climb into the SUV, I make sure he gets an eyeful. He coughs at the same time Odin curses.

Still keeping my ass in the air, I look over my shoulder at Odin. “Silly me. I forgot I’m not wearing panties.”

“Get in the fucking SUV,” Odin growls.

I do, crawling across the seat before I sit. Odin climbs in next to me, slamming the door shut. I’m smirking as I look out the window. Serves him right.

The ride to Grandmama’s building takes less than two minutes, and I hop out as soon as the SUV comes to a stop. As I approach the door, I notice the normal doorman is gone. In his place is one of the men who followed me earlier. I come to a stop, looking questioningly at Odin.

He smiles ominously. “Meet your new doorman. The last one didn’t do a very good job of keeping what’s mine safe, so I put a bullet between his eyes. Rest assured, baby girl, that my men will ensure you don’t make any midnight trips. Are we clear?”

“You bastard.”


My cheeks flush as I realize that there are actual rumors that his mother cheated on his father, and that’s why he looks so very different from his brothers.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“Of course you did. You’re Elsa’s granddaughter, after all.” He nods his head toward the doors. “Get inside. I don’t want anyone else to see you dressed like a little slut.”

I glare. My outfit isn’t as bad as he’s making it seem. Jerk! I turn, heading for the door, when he stops me.

“Anna? If you’re smart, you’ll burn any clothes that look like that.”

A dark thrill shoots through me as I make my way inside without answering him. He’s right. I’m Elsa’s granddaughter, and that means I don’t take shit from anyone. Not even him.



The next few days are pure torture. More of Odin’s men replace staff members who have been around my entire life until I only know a handful of people. His men are trained to be cold shadows who won’t even look in my direction. I asked one if he wanted something to drink and he literally turned his back on me. Guess the days of bribing the doorman with a pizza are gone. I try not to think about the old doorman too much. He was a nice man who didn’t deserve to die over something so trivial. I know Odin was telling the truth about killing him. After scouring the newspapers, I saw a small write-up about the doorman who was found behind a dumpster. The four-sentence story claimed it was a drug deal gone wrong, but I know better. He died because of me.

Mother and Grandmama think it’s wonderful that Odin is going to such lengths to protect his bride-to-be, but I see it for what it really is. A way to control me. But it’s not like I can say anything. Not without tattling on myself.

The days are long and boring, but it’s the nights that are becoming unbearable. Every night my dreams are filled with explicit images of Odin and me that leaves me aching in the morning. My poor vibrator is on its last leg and still can’t seem to hit the spot that Odin so boldly told me only he could fill. My saving grace is that I haven’t had to see him since the night at his penthouse, but my luck is running out today.

Today, we’re going dress shopping. Mother was almost giddy that he expressed interest in coming with us. And that’s why I know I’m going to hell, because I got mad when I heard that. Mad at my mother.

There’s a knock on the door, and my cousin, Freja, enters. She’s still under house arrest, but they can’t very well make her stay home when she’s going to need a dress for the wedding. The wedding that is taking place in one month. Thirty days. The thought is sickening.

Freja is tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s never had to diet a day in her life and could be a model if she wanted. And yet she’s still hated by most of the family. It just goes to show that no one is ever good enough. At least her mother, Aunt Ayra, seems to love her.

She makes a face after glancing over her shoulder. “Better hurry. They’re all waiting, and we don’t want to piss them off this early.”

I stand, grabbing my purse. “Let’s go.”

Freja chatters as we make our way to the first floor, but I’m not really listening. Not when I spot Odin standing next to my mother, his arm around her waist. They make a lovely couple and if I was a better person, I might even say that to them. Instead, I spin to face Freja.

“Can I ride with you?”

“Sure.” She looks around and says in a low tone, “I’ve got some weed we can smoke, too. God knows I’m going to need it, being around everyone all day.”
