Page 18 of Vicious Vows

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“Oof. I love X, but the aftermath is a bitch.”

I make a sound of agreement as I’m immediately taken back to that dressing room. I can’t believe I let Odin do that to me. It had to be the drugs, right? I mean, it’s not him I’m attracted to. The thing is, I’m not sure. I liked what he did to me as much as I liked when he spanked me. What is wrong with me? The icing on the cake is knowing I don’t have panties on at this very moment. I couldn’t wear them because they were drenched from my arousal and from being in my mouth, so I had to leave them in a trashcan in the dressing room.

Freja says, “Come on. We need to get in there before Grandmama gets pissed off.”

We make our way to the living room, where everyone has left except for Grandmama, Odin, and Mother. Freja looks at me in confusion, and I shrug my shoulders.

Grandmama says, “Freja, you may return to your mother.”

“What about dinner?”

“You are no longer invited. Leave.”

Unease creeps through me when I feel Odin’s gaze on me. Freja dips her head at Grandmama and leaves the living room.

Grandmama turns her attention to me. “Sit.”

There’s a spot in between Mother and Odin on the couch, or a chair next to Grandmama. Both spots have their pros and cons, but I opt to sit next to Grandmama. She watches me for a moment before standing, leaning against her wooden cane.

“I’ll leave you to it, Selma.”

My chest feels tight. What in the hell is going on? The room is silent as Grandmama leaves. Now I’m really regretting sitting here because both Odin and my mother stare at me and I have no choice but to look back.

I clear my throat. “I should get ready for dinner. It’s still at seven, right?”

Mother says, “We need to talk, Anna. Odin expressed concern that you and Freja were up to no good earlier today. Is that true?”

My gaze darts to him and then back to her.

“No, ma’am.”

She crosses her arms over her chest. “I don’t like it when you lie to me, Anna.”

I don’t say anything because I know how this is going to play out. Even if I was telling the truth right now, she wouldn’t believe me. She never does. Instead, she’ll give a long-winded speech and then punish me. Since Odin is here, I’m sure it won’t be a physical punishment, but one never knows.

“I can’t control what Freja does, but I will not let my own daughter embarrass me. You will stay in your room until the wedding. The only time you are permitted to leave is when Odin or I are with you. Your meals will be served in there and you are forbidden from spending time with Freja. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I stand. “May I be excused?”

She waves her hand at me, dismissing me. I walk as calmly as I can all the way to my room. Once I’m inside, I lock the door and go right to my closet, digging out the small plastic bag that Freja gave me earlier today. I toss a pill in my mouth, swallowing.

Fuck Odin and fuck my mother.

* * *

My meal is brought to my door at seven on the dot. Lifting the lid, I let out an audible breath. Looks like I’m back on a diet, as well. Great. I eat the salad while I scroll on social media. A pizza would be fucking wonderful right now, and that’s not necessarily just the drugs talking. My stomach rumbles in agreement. When I’m finished, I put the tray outside of my door.

I know I’m privileged in a lot of ways, but it seems I can’t find a single thing to do when I’m forced to spend time in my room. I send Freja a text, hoping she has her phone back.


Hey, are you around?

I am. What’s going on over there?

I’m under house arrest. They know I took something today.

Say less, fam. You never know who’s reading these messages.
