Page 20 of Vicious Vows

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He lifts my shirt, baring my breasts.

“So fucking pretty,” he murmurs as his head lowers, capturing my nipple.

I groan as pleasure shoots right to my core. His five o’clock shadow rubs against my sensitive skin, creating a delicious friction. But it’s his hot mouth that’s really getting me going. He laps at my nipple in the same way he might move his tongue if we were kissing and I freaking love it. He does this until I come, moaning out his name.

“That’s right, baby girl. Daddy knows how to make you feel so good.”

“Please,” I beg. “I need more.”

Reaching between us, he rips my panties right off, tossing them to the floor. My shirt is next, leaving me completely naked. My heart pounds as he moves over me, caging me in with his body. I’m almost panting with need. Is this it? Are we going to have sex?

His lips brush against mine in the lightest kiss, and then he slowly kisses his way down my body until he’s between my legs. I’m soaking wet, but the heat in his eyes makes my embarrassment fade away. He licks my seam before parting my lips. I bend and then spread my legs, giving him all the access he seeks, and he doesn’t disappoint. No, he fucks me with his tongue until I come two more times.

I’m still on cloud nine when he rolls over, pulling me against his chest. His erection presses into my stomach, sending more heat coursing through me.

“Go to sleep, baby girl.”


“I don’t want to hear it. You need your sleep.”

His tone suggests the conversation is over, but now my mind is racing. We’ve done this three times now, where we messed around but didn’t have sex. I glance up at him to find his eyes closed. Why hasn’t he had sex with me? I shift, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Maybe the thought of having sex with me is a boner killer? Or maybe he knows we’re playing with fire. God knows I should remember that. He’s freaking engaged to my mother! Not only that, but I had a crush on his brother. Wait. Not had. Ihavea crush. But when I try to think about Hans’ face, it slowly morphs into Odin.

“Anna,” Odin warns. “Don’t make me tell you again.”

I exhale loudly and roll onto my side so my back is to his chest. His arm snakes around me, pulling me close. It’s not long until he’s softly snoring, but I’m still wide awake. What does he gain by being in here with me? The only reason that comes to mind isn’t good. He’s doing this to get me in trouble. But why? I’m a nobody. Heck, we weren’t even on each other’s radars until a few days ago. My mind is troubled as I finally drift off to sleep.

He’s gone when I wake up the next morning. It’s not like I expected him to stay or anything, but it still makes me feel dirty. Maybe that’s what he wants. Maybe this is all one big mind fuck. If so, it might be working. With a sigh, I climb out of bed. My nightshirt and torn panties are still where he threw them. Guess that means I can’t try to pretend last night was nothing more than a dream.

I grab the panties, throwing them in the trash. I have every intention of tossing my nightshirt in my laundry basket, but when I lift it, I get a whiff of his cologne. I try not to think about my motives too much as I carry the shirt to my closet, where I put it in a drawer.

The rest of the day goes by unbearably slow. I’m not served breakfast and lunch is a joke, but I’m informed to be in the dining room at seven. By the time seven rolls around, I’m so hungry that I feel lightheaded. Mother and Grandmama are the only ones present, and I’m glad. I really can’t deal with Odin. Not right now.

I take my seat across from Mother, putting my napkin in my lap.

“Good evening, Grandmama. Mother.”

Neither acknowledges me.

Two servers enter, putting food in front of Grandmama and my mother. My heart sinks. Where is my plate? Both begin eating while I sit there. I know better than to ask where my food is. This is their way of trying to start a fight, and I’m not going to take the bait. They finish the first course, and their second course is brought in. This time there are three servers, but my joy is short-lived when I see what’s on my plate. A single boiled egg sits on a kale leaf. I swallow, reaching for my wine just so I don’t do something stupid, like bursting into tears.

Mother and Grandmama cut into their chicken, talking about their plans for the next day, but I don’t listen. Slowly, I cut into the egg, taking small bites to make it last longer. If our old chef still worked here, I know I could sneak into the kitchen later and grab a snack. But I have no idea how Odin’s chef is going to react, and I’m not willing to find out.

A few moments later my egg is gone, and I seriously debate eating the leaf of kale.

Mother looks at me over her glass of wine.

“You’ve gained weight.”

Grandmama nods. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

Mother says, “I will speak to the chef about your portions.”

My portions? Is she serious? I’m barely getting enough food as it is, and now she wants to cut my portions? I don’t say anything. If I do, she’ll double down on this, which will only make things worse for me. She turns her attention to Grandmama, speaking in low tones. I reach for my wine, finishing the glass before they decide to take it from me.

“May I be excused?”

Mother says, “You may go.”
