Page 22 of Vicious Vows

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“My mother was a fool for not sending you away when I had you. God knows I wanted to, but she said you were too frail and might not make it. Thank god you won’t be here for much longer. Odin and I will make sure of it.”

That catches me off guard. “He wants to send me away, too?”

“He’s only been around you a handful of times and already can’t stand you. But what do you expect? You’re pathetic, Anna. My greatest disappointment.”

Hurt spears me, making me angry at myself. Why do I let her words bother me so much? You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but I’m not. My eyes mist over as I blindly leave the parlor.


I turn, finding Odin. Judging by the look on his face, he heard enough, which makes this feel ten times more embarrassing. I give him a watery smile and make my way up the stairs. I know he’s close and follows me into my room, closing my door behind us.

I spin to face him.

“Is it true?”

“Which part?”

I gape at him. Which part? Like he has to choose?

“Are you going to send me away?”


I should be relieved, but I’m not.


“You know why.”

“And the rest?”

He stares at me, never saying a word.

“If that’s how you feel, then why are you so fucking hellbent on keeping me locked in this room? If I’m so pathetic, then it shouldn’t matter to anyone what I do!”

“Like I told you before, you misbehaved and needed to be taught a lesson.”

“I’m an adult, not a child!”

He doesn’t answer, and shakes his head, laughing softly to himself.

“Goodbye, Anna.”

I let out a frustrated sound when he leaves and lock the door behind him.


Going to my closet, I dig out three pills and toss them into my mouth. I find my phone and I send Freja a text.


I’m going out of my mind.

My offer still stands.

I’m seriously thinking about it.

Just give me the word.
