Page 30 of Vicious Vows

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“Come in.”

The door opens and Mother stands there, a scowl on her face.

“It figures you’re still in bed. You’re such a lazy slob, Anna. It’s no wonder why no one has asked to marry you.”

Jesus. It’s far too early for this kind of shit.

“Good morning, Mother. Is everything okay?”

I mean, there has to be a reason why she’s here, and it’s likely nothing good for me.

“No, everything is not okay.” She huffs. “There’s an event tonight. You will be dressed by six and not a moment later. This is the first event where Odin and I will be seen together by the public, so you will not embarrass me. Do you understand?”

“I understand.” I pause. “If you’re so worried that I’m going to embarrass you, then why not leave me here?”

“Believe me, the thought crossed my mind, but it wouldn’t be proper. Odin reminded me we need to appear as a united front, and that means having you there, too.”

I bite back a retort. She gives me one more loathing look and closes the door behind her. I wait a beat and lock the door, making my way to the closet. Inside, I go right for the plastic bag hidden with my empty purses. But it’s not there. Instead, I find a piece of paper.

We’ll talk about this later.



* * *

My lunch is nonexistent. At four, a maid brings a dress bag.

“Mr. Vilulf’s driver just dropped this off.”

“Odin sent this? For me?”

“I believe so. Shall I unzip the bag for you?”

I nod, and she lays the bag on my bed, unzipping it. She gasps as she lifts the gown. It’s an A-line style dress with draping near the waist. It’s a bold, gold metallic color. I let out a small laugh. Odin must not know that Grandmama and Mother never pick colors like this for me. No, they want me to wear plain colors that make me blend into the background. The heels match. Again, I never wear heels. I’m already tall and don’t like to call attention to it.

“Would you like me to help you with your hair?”

I blink once. No one has ever offered to help me dress.

“Did Mr. Vilulf tell you to help me?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“No, I don’t need any help. Thank you.”

She dips her head and leaves, closing the door behind her. I walk to my bed, looking at the dress. Part of me doesn’t want to wear it just to piss him off, but the other side knows it will look wonderful on me. Sighing, I pad to the bathroom so I can shower. When I’m finished, I braid my hair in two braids, which might seem childish, but I don’t care. I think I look super cute. The dress is…god, it’s as amazing as I knew it’d be. It fits like a glove, hugging every curve in a flattering way. I can’t wear a bra or underwear, which is probably the way he wanted it. My stomach flutters. I wonder if he’ll think the dress looks pretty, too?

At six on the dot, I join Mother and Grandmama in the living room. They’re both wearing blue gowns and eye me as I approach.

“Anna, where did you get that hideous dress?”

I smile at my mother. “Mr. Vilulf sent it. Should I change?”

She’s clearly annoyed and says, “No. It’s too late to change now. Let’s go before we’re late.”

I follow them to the elevator. When we reach the first floor, I’m not surprised to find Odin’s vehicle waiting for us. Mother gets in first and I slide in next to her.
