Page 33 of Vicious Vows

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“Let us sit for dinner.”

I bite back a groan. Since my mother is the one marrying, I’ll likely be at the table with her and Odin. But then I notice there are place cards at each spot. Hope and dread fill me. This is either going to be wonderful or hell. Mother and Odin take their seat at the center table. Grandmama sits with them as well as two of Odin’s brothers. There’s only one empty seat that Aunt Vivika takes. I exhale. Not sitting with them, then.

Making my way around the room, my heart sinks as each spot is slowly filled, until I’m the only one standing. Surely this is some kind of oversight. My gaze goes to my mother’s table where she stares at me, a small smile on her lips. My gaze goes to the man at her side, only to find him watching me, too.

Odin calls out, “Can’t find your seat, Anna? Do you need someone to read the place cards for you?”

Chuckles fill the room and my cheeks flush. Not many people know that I used to have a hard time reading when I was younger, but it sounds like Mother told Odin all about it.

“It seems my name has been missed.”

Odin turns his head, speaking into my mother’s ear. Her nose crinkles as she laughs. Jesus. I can only imagine what’s being said.

Grandmama stands. “Anna, it won’t hurt you to miss a meal. You may retire to the house.”

Her dismissal stings for so many reasons, but I dip my head. “Of course. Good evening, everyone.”

“Now, wait a moment.” Odin says, his tone hard. “You got all dressed up. The gem of the night. Clearly you wanted to be looked at, so stay.”

He snaps his fingers, and several servers rush out with a chair and a place setting. He acts as if I chose this dress on my own when he knows he’s the one who sent it for me to wear. Several men around the room watch me, making me feel uncomfortable. It’s like they’re undressing me with their eyes, and I don’t like it. No, I’d much rather blend in with the wallpaper.

I end up at the table in the back of the room with Freja.

“Thank you,” I murmur to the server, who won’t even look me in the eyes as he pushes my seat in.

Conversation resumes around the room, but I can’t look up. Not yet. If I do, I’m likely to burst into tears from embarrassment. Whose fault is it I didn’t have a seat? My family’s, or is it Odin’s fault? Grandmama was quick to take a public jab at me before dismissing me, but Odin was quick in having a place set out for me, ensuring that this embarrassment lasted.

Freja says in a low tone, “Mathilde, switch me places.”

Mathilde glares at her older sister but stands. A moment later, Freja is sitting at my side.

“You okay? That was seriously fucked up.”

I shake my head once. “I’m not okay.”

She pushes a glass of champagne into my hand. “Drink.”

I finish it and then take the next flute she gives me.


“No need to thank me.” Her gaze searches mine. “Better?”

No.I force a smile on my lips. “Yes, thank you.”


She waves down a server, getting two more glasses of champagne.

“We’re being watched, so don’t chug this one,” she says in a low tone.

I already know who’s watching. I can feel his gaze searing me from across the room. Lifting the flute, I hold his gaze while I toss it back in one swallow. He glares and I smile.Take that, fucker.

Servers enter the room, bringing our meal. I’m not surprised when nothing is set in front of me.

Freja says, “We can share.”

“You know we’ll only get in trouble if we do.” I nudge her shoulder with mine. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”
