Page 35 of Vicious Vows

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“Because I’m imagining bending you over this island and fucking you.”

Holy cow. I don’t answer and take a sip of wine.

Finally, I say, “This obsession of yours seems to be getting out of hand.”

“Oh, I wholeheartedly agree. You’re a distraction, baby girl. A distraction I don’t need.”

I take another sip. I’m still feeling buzzed from the champagne and the pills Freja and I took earlier. Everything feels heightened. The taste of the wine. The scent of Odin’s cologne. The way my dress rubs against my skin. I let out a breathy sigh.

“Something tells me I’m not the only one having dirty thoughts,” Odin teases.

That makes me laugh. “Maybe.”

“Let me guess. You’re thinking about my youngest brother, who’s as dumb as a box of rocks. Am I right?”

My cheeks are warm. I wonder what Odin would say if he knew I hadn’t thought of Hans much lately.

But I ask, “Why do you hate him so much?”

“I don’t hate him. I don’t respect him. There’s a difference.”

“Okay, why don’t you respect him?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“As the black sheep of my family, I beg to differ.”

“You? The black sheep? Baby girl, you’re anything but a black sheep. Elsa dotes on you. In fact, it’s rumored that you’re her favorite.”

“Do you know what being the favorite entails?” I pause. “It means everyone is always waiting for you to fail. And when you do, they make sure everyone knows until you’re seen as a joke. I’m not just talking about cousins, either. My aunts and even my own mother have all done this at one time or another. It’s exhausting trying to live up to their standards and sometimes I wish I could just run away.”

Finishing my glass, I reach for the bottle, pouring myself another.

Exhaling, I say, “You said last night that I was spoiled. I have things, that’s true, but not the things that matter. Do you know I’ve envied Hans for years? He used to tell stories at school about the trips your family would take together, and I’d get so jealous. I’ve never been on a trip like that before.”

“Your family goes toAngrboðaquite often.”

“Have you been toAngrboðabefore?”

He shakes his head.

“Angrboðais a frozen prison. I love it because of the history but believe me when I say no one in their right mind goes there just for fun. And know thatAngrboðacomes by its name honestly.”

“What does it mean?”

“Angrboðameans she who brings sorrow, and that island is nothing but sorrow.”

I wince. No one outside of the Aakre family knows the meaning ofAngrboða, but I guess it doesn’t matter since he’s about to marry my mother.

“That doesn’t change the fact that you are Elsa’s favorite. Your mother dotes on you, too.”

“Sure she does.”

“She speaks of you often, telling stories about shenanigans you used to pull when you were younger.”

“Is that how you knew the little tidbit about me not being able to read well as a child? Wait. Never mind. I don’t want to know.” I sigh. “It’s not like she would know anything about me. I was always with my nanny as a child. When I wasn’t with her, I was with Grandmama.”
