Page 44 of Vicious Vows

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“Please hurry along, Ms. Aakre.”

I climb out of the car and make my way up the stairs leading to the Met. I spot several men in black suits who likely work for Odin. With each step that I take, my worry mounts. I want to hang out with Flynn, but at what cost? Odin already said he’d kill anyone who touched me. Is this worth it?

Inside, I pay for my ticket and then make my way through the double doors. Weselton is right behind me. Ahead, I think I spot Flynn, but he disappears into a group of people.

My phone buzzes in my purse, so I pull it out, glancing at the screen.


I see you.

Be ready to take my hand.

My cheeks flame. I want to tell him I’m thinking this is a bad idea, but I don’t get a chance. A massive man bumps into Weselton, knocking him to where he stumbles. At the same time, someone screams in another direction as a loud popping sound is heard. Everything turns into pure chaos. People scream and run, trying to get away. Another man bumps into Weselton, knocking him to the ground. And then a hand grabs hold of mine.

Glancing up, I find myself looking into the twinkling gaze of Flynn. He gives me a smile and tugs at me to follow. My heart pounds as we follow a large group of people rushing outside. Flynn leads the way, and we don’t slow our pace until we’re several blocks away from the Met.

“Come on. The subway entrance is just over here.”

We make our way down the stairs. I’m out of breath but hurry to keep up with him. I’ve never been on a subway, which shows just how sheltered I am. I’m shocked at the scent that assaults my nose.

Flynn swipes a card, motioning for me to go through the gate. He’s right behind me, taking my hand in his. We come to a stop on a platform that’s crowded. Perfect. We won’t stand out this way.

“Told you I could get you out of there. Do you have a cell on you?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“You should turn it off, or they’ll be able to track your location.” He rubs his chin. “Better yet, let’s get you a burner phone. I have a feeling you’re going to be in a lot of trouble when you go back, and they’ll likely take your phone.”

“Sounds like you were raised in a house much like my own.”

“Not me. My mom worked for a family that reminds me of your dad.”

“Stepdad,” I correct. “And you’re right. I’m going to be in a ton of trouble.”

“Then let’s get the hell out of here.”

A train arrives if by magic and Flynn steps on first. I follow, my nose crinkling. This, too, is another interesting smell.

Flynn points. “There are two seats over there.”

We take them and I find myself squished between Flynn and an elderly man who’s sleeping.

“Don’t forget to turn off your phone.”


I pull it out, powering it down. I don’t even check to see if there are any missed calls. The truth is, I don’t want to know because Flynn is right. I’m going to be in so much trouble when I get home. A nervous laugh bubbles up my throat.

“You okay? You’re looking a bit green.”

“I’m fine. Just… I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“You’ve never snuck out?” His dark eyebrow lifts. “I find that hard to believe.”

“I’ve snuck out before, sure. I’ve never lost a guard, though.”

“I get it. You always remember your first time.”
