Page 55 of Vicious Vows

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He snorts, opening the door. I take his vacated seat so that I won’t have to slide when I get out. The paparazzi go wild, yelling out Odin’s name. When Mother gets out, they turn their attention to her. She and Odin stand side by side, eating up the attention. Grandmama joins them, and the three smile, looking like the perfect family. When the flashes slow, they turn and make their way into the building. Inhaling, I climb out of the SUV, expecting the media to turn my way. They don’t. Instead, they act as if they can’t see me.

Hurt spears me as I hurry into the building. Odin, Grandmama, and Mother are already on the elevator and the doors are starting to shut. No one makes a move to stop it, and I barely make it inside.

Grandmama sniffs the air. “You could have taken the next lift, Anna. It’s far too crowded in here now.”

My damn eyes water and I can’t even bring myself to reply. I mean, what can I say to that? Sorry?

Mother elbows me. “Get in the back. I don’t want you to be the first thing everyone sees.”

I maneuver my way to the back of the lift, next to Odin. Our shoulders brush together before he moves as far from me as he can. Jesus. I get it. No one wants me here.

We finally reach the twenty-sixth floor. The doors open, revealing the most beautiful decorations that remind me ofAngrboða. It somehow gives me courage, and I hold my head high.

Odin leads the way to a door just past the elevator. Inside are several of his brothers and their wives, as well as my aunts and their husbands. I scan the crowd, hoping to see Freja or Hans. Hans is nowhere in sight, but Freja smiles at me.

“May I get a drink of water?”

Mother ignores me, but Odin says, “Make it quick. The family makes our grand entrance in ten minutes.”

I nod my understanding and slip from the group, going to the bar. Freja slides up to me.

“Hey,” she says in a low tone.

“Hey. Is Hans here?”

“Nope. According to his Snaps, he’s on a yacht right now.” Her nose crinkles. “He’s so predictable. In Norway with Norwegian models.”

I take the water from the server and whisper, “Try to find me later. I’m going out of my mind in that house.”

“Will do.”

I stay at the bar, sipping on my water. It’s not that I’m trying to make Odin mad, but I just can’t bear to go back to them. A glance at the clock behind the bar makes me groan. As much as I wish I could defy Odin, I know I can’t. Setting the glass down, I make my way back to Mother, who doesn’t even notice.

Odin clears his throat, getting everyone’s attention.

“My bride-to-be and I thank you all for coming. Your solidarity means the world to us.”

Well, that’s an odd statement if I ever heard one. I skim the room again. Not all of Odin’s brothers are here. Does that mean they don’t support the marriage? If not, why? I don’t have time to dwell on it because Odin and Mother take their place. I’m surprised that Grandmama is next to Odin while Mother stands a step behind them. Is that to imply that her status isn’t as great as theirs?

Aunt Nora grabs my wrist. “You’re supposed to be behind your mother. Hurry, before the doors open.”

Well, how was I supposed to know? Usually I’m the last one to enter the room. I get in place, planting a smile on my lips just as the doors open. We enter the ballroom and people smile and clap as our group makes its way to three thrones near the middle of the room. Three actual thrones. Are you kidding me?

Grandmama takes her seat. Odin sits next to her and then Mother sits. I hate that. She has earned every right to sit before Odin, but because he’s a man, he sits first. I stand behind her, hating that I’m close enough that I can smell his cologne. As if sensing my train of thoughts, Odin glances over his shoulder, smirking at me. I look past him, searching the crowd. I really thought Hans would be here tonight. I wonder if he doesn’t approve of the engagement, though I’m not sure why it would matter to him.

I shift my weight from one foot to another as people make their way to congratulate my mother and Odin. A few men look my way, but none of them catch my attention, because I’m seriously screwed up and don’t find anyone attractive except for the man in front of me.

Grandmama leans over and says to Odin, “It’s unfortunate most of the Families from Chicago had to cancel.”

Odin grunts. “Di Bello is here. That’s good enough for me.”

I scan the room, spotting Luca Di Bello and his wife, Dove. Grandmama has always made me study the big players of the organized crime scene. It serves as a safety measure and a social one. Since I know what they look like, I can go out of my way to speak to them, or, if they’re foes, warn someone. Not tonight, though. Tonight I have to wait for them to speak to me, or, in this case, speak to Mother and Odin.

A lovely couple approaches and I recognize Malik Jafar. I don’t know who the blonde on his arm is, but the way he’s holding onto her makes me think she’s someone important. And the fact that she’s a big girl like me makes me like her even more.

“Vilulf, such a joyous night. Congratulations on your engagement to the fair Selma.”

My mother actually blushes at his words, but I can’t say that I blame her. Mr. Jafar is very handsome.
