Page 61 of Vicious Vows

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The driver meets my gaze in the mirror. “One moment, miss.”

I wonder what the holdup is? I get my answer when the door opens and Odin slides in next to me.

“You came!”

“I did.”

Without thinking, I climb onto his lap and kiss him. He holds me, letting me set the pace. By the time we reach the penthouse, I’m buzzing. For the first time in a while, it has nothing to do with drugs, either. No, this feeling is all because of Odin.

We’re all over each other as we move from the elevator to my bedroom. Odin kicks the door shut, pressing the lock.

“Take off your dress.”

I spin, glancing over my shoulder. “I need help—”

My swallow is audible. Oh my good god. I almost called him Daddy just now. My cheeks flame, but Odin doesn’t notice as he lowers the zipper, letting my dress pool at my feet.

“Let me see you, baby girl.”

I’m suddenly self-conscious. The lingerie he sent is several sizes too small. I mean, I’m spilling out of the cups of the bra and my stomach has stretched the material of the panties.

“Anna—” Odin warns.

Slowly, I turn to face him. Any insecurities I felt seconds ago vanish at the heat in his gaze.

“Stunning, though I’m not surprised. Get on the bed and spread your legs.”

My pulse thrums in my neck, but I do as he says. Is this it? Are we going to have sex? He moves between my legs, pushing them apart until I’m spread out to his satisfaction. He mutters something under his breath right before he licks me from clit to ass. I groan, which makes him do it again and again. My first orgasm rips through me so fast that it steals my breath. He doesn’t relent until he’s pulled two more from me.

Tears leak from my eyes as he kisses his way up my body, taking time to lick and suck as he pleases. When our lips touch, I can feel his hardness pressing into my stomach.

“Why won’t you have sex with me?”

He snorts, looking down at me. “I’ve asked myself that a million times.”

I shift beneath him, making both of us groan.

“I know you want me, or at least your body does.”

“What in the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

My cheeks are warm. “I know I’m not pretty. I can see how the thought of having sex with me could be a turn off for someone like you.” I pause. “It’s okay, too. I swear. I just don’t want you to think that I’m delusional or something.”

There. I’ve said it. Now he doesn’t have to worry about hurting my feelings.

“You’re being fucking delusional right now.” He rocks against me. “You think this would happen if I didn’t find you sexy as hell? Huh?”

I lift my shoulder in a small shrug. “You tell me.”

He grips my neck with one hand, holding me still.

“I watch the video you sent at least once a day. Sometimes, I walk past your room just to catch a hint of your perfume. Wisteria and jasmine. My two new favorite scents. I think of you all the fucking time, baby girl, even when I shouldn’t.”

I moisten my lips. “Like when you’re with my mom?”

He doesn’t have to answer because we both know that’s what he means. His grip tightens around my neck, stealing my breath. Maybe he expects me to panic or even try to get away, but I don’t because I trust him. His gaze searches mine as dark spots dance around the edges of my vision. Just when I’m about to give in to the darkness, he lets go and covers my mouth in a demanding kiss.

I’m not sure how long we lie there, making out. It’s perfect but also torturous at the same time.
