Page 67 of Vicious Vows

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“Well, how do you think I got the burner phone?”

“Shit.” She drags the word out into several syllables. “Maybe you are the cooler cousin.”

“Maybe I am.”

Even though we both know I’m totally not.

Flynn asks, “So, what’s your story, Freja? I’ve already met Anna’s crazy stepdad. Got one of those, too?”

“Nah. Just a mother who can’t stand me.” She sighs. “That’s how it goes in our family. If you don’t stand out, they crush you until you disappear.”

Flynn is silent as he takes a hit off his joint. He’s still holding in the smoke as he passes it to me.

Finally exhaling, he asks, “If you’re so unhappy there, why don’t you just leave?”

A cloud of smoke drifts my way. I mean, he’s not wrong for wondering why we don’t just leave.

I frown, answering, “That’s the million-dollar question.”

Freja takes the joint from me before I have a chance to take a hit and says, “It’s not that easy, Flynn.”

“Why not?”

“Because she literally means a million dollars. Multi-millions. Hell, it could be billions for all I know. The point is, it’s a lot to walk away from.”

“Fuck. Are you for real?”

I nod and he whistles.

“I knew you were rich, but I guess I didn’t know just how rich you were.”

“Technically, I’m not rich. My grandmother is.”

Freja huffs out a laugh. “And old granny isn’t letting that money go until we have to pry it out of her cold, dead hands.”


“What? It’s the truth.” She says to Flynn. “She would literally beat us if she knew we were here.”

“Are you serious?” His eyebrows pinch together in concern. “I don’t want to get either of you in trouble.”

I say, “I think we’ll be fine. Most everyone is at the wedding dinner.”

“Why aren’t you?”

I lift a shoulder. “Does it matter?”

“I guess not.” He stands. “Well, I say if they’re having fun, then so should we. A buddy of mine is having a party to celebrate winter break. There will be a shit ton of booze and any drug you can ask for.”

Freja says, “I’m in.”


“Sure. But I have to be home by eleven.”


“I’m serious.”
