Page 81 of Vicious Vows

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He scoffs. “God, no. Just know that I’m here for you, brother, and willing to do whatever it takes to see this plan through.”

Heimdall has always had my back, even when some of my other brothers thought I was mad for moving forward with this plan. It’s risky taking on Elsa, but not as risky as letting her live. Selma exits the shoppe at that moment, arms full of shopping bags.

“I have to go, brother. I’ll be in touch.”

I end the call and slip my phone in my pocket before stepping outside of the car. I’ll play this part for as long as I need. When this is said and done, Elsa and her family will be nothing more than cautionary tales of reaching too far and failing. Elsa, Selma, and even sweet Anna will all pay for the pain and suffering dealt at the hands of Elsa. And I will be the one to make them fall.



It’s only been a week and I already feel like I’m going out of my mind. Thank god the TV in the home theatre is well stocked with movies that help keep me occupied. I’ve binge watched several popular TV series and my new obsession is watching true crime documentaries. I can’t count how many times I’ve fallen asleep in that room while a true crime documentary plays on the screen. But there’s only so much TV a person can watch, and I think I’ve reached my limit.

At least I’ve been getting three meals a day. That alone has helped me feel better. I glance at the book on my dresser. That and the fact that I haven’t had to take pills or drink myself into a stupor just to get by. The thought makes me frown. This peace won’t last forever because Odin will be back in two weeks. I wish I could contact Grandmama and see if she’s found someone for me to marry yet. I’m not stupid—I’ll be the last to know when a match has been made. Heck, I might not even find out until the wedding, which is what she did to Aunt Maddi. I just know that even as bored as I am, I’m still aware of the days left until Odin returns home. And I need to be gone sooner than later.

I sigh. Guess I’ll shower and then go watch another documentary before going to bed. I’m just about to undress when I hear a commotion from the living room. Curiosity gets the best of me and I’m moving before I can think better of it.

Hans is in the face of one of the soldiers, yelling.

“Do you know who I am? I’ll have your life for putting your hands on me!”

The guard replies calmly, “You are not on the list, sir. You need to leave.”

“Fuck you.” He looks past the guard, seeing me. “Anna! Tell this fucker who I am.”

The guard says, “Sir, I know who you are, but that doesn’t change the fact that you are not on the list.”

Each word is emphasized, making his point clear. He’s not planning on letting Hans stay.

“Call my brother, you fool. He’ll tell you it’s fine that I’m here.”

The guard’s phone rings at that moment, and he lifts it to his ear, listening. His cheeks and neck turn bright red as he takes a step away from Hans.

“Your brother said you may stay, but requests that you call him.” To me, the guard says, “Mr. Vilulf says you are to return to your room.”

I bite back a shitty comment and turn, making my way to the kitchen. Might as well grab a late-night snack. Chef Pascal has been making sure I have them ever since our little talk. Hans’ voice carries as I pass the living room.

“Yeah, I know you’re on your honeymoon, but you’ve never minded when I showed up unexpectedly before.” He sighs loudly. “I get it. I’m a fuck up. Can I stay or do I need to see if Osman is home?” Another pause. “Thanks, bro. I’ll talk to you later.”

I scurry away, not wanting to get caught eavesdropping, but that doesn’t stop me from wondering why Hans is here.

I stew on this until a crashing sound from the living room once again has me moving. Hans is on his hands and knees, wiping up what appears to be a bottle of cognac.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

He glances up. “Odin’s going to be so pissed. That bottle cost at least ten grand.”

“Maybe he won’t notice,” I say with a small smile.

Bending, I help mop up the spilled cognac. Hans finishes and stands, tossing the ruined towels from the kitchen aside.

“Let’s try that again. Do you drink?”

“I wouldn’t say no to wine.”

He makes a face. “God, you’ve been around your grandmother too long.”

I laugh. “Okay, you fix me a drink, then.”
