Page 83 of Vicious Vows

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I don’t mention what happened when I got back.

He whistles. “That’s pretty ballsy. I’m impressed.”


“So, what do you think of Odin’s place? Have you seen his sex room?”

I sputter on my drink. “Hiswhat?”

“Sex room. It’s on the other side of the house. Back in the day, he would have these wild parties with all kinds of kinky shit. He even had the room soundproofed.”

My face is warm. Oh my god. Does he have me staying in his freaking sex room? He literally told me it was soundproofed!

Hans motions to my drink. “Catch up and I’ll make us another.”

This is probably a bad idea, since I don’t drink much, but fuck it. I chug the drink until my glass is empty. True to his word, he has more ready to pour. This one is stronger than the last.

“When did you get back in town?”

He makes a face. “Today. Wasn’t planning on coming back for a while, though.”


He sighs. “I need more alcohol for this.”

I lift my glass, grinning. “Bet I can beat you.”

* * *

An hour later, Hans and I are both wasted. We’ve been sitting on the floor of the kitchen for god only knows how long and have long moved past drinking out of glasses. No, now we’re drinking right from one of the bottles, passing it back and forth.

Hans says, “My ass is asleep. Let’s go to the living room.”


He stands and holds out his hand, helping me to my feet. We’re so close that our bodies touch. His gaze goes to my lips.

“Can I kiss you, Anna?”


He licks his lips and I try not to be disgusted as his wet mouth presses against mine. Oh my. This might be the worst kiss of my life. Hans must not think so, because he pushes his tongue into my mouth and moans like he just found heaven. Bile creeps up my throat and I pull back before I do something humiliating, like barfing in his mouth.

Reaching for a bottle on the counter, I take a huge sip and say, “Let’s go watch a movie.”

“Good idea.”

He follows me to the living room and we both sit on the couch.

“Ready to talk about why you came home early?”

“Not really.” He groans. “God, Odin is going to be pissed when he finds out what I did.”

“What happened?”

He turns his head toward me. “I beat up three men in London after they accused me of cheating in a card game. One of them is in critical condition.”

