Page 101 of Violent God

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“Was the matter we spoke about taken care of?”

He nods, a dark look flickering across his face. “Facilier and his family are no longer a threat. I’ll be taking over his casino effective immediately. You are welcome to take over his territory, or we can send someone out there. Just let me know.”

We both know that it makes sense for me to take over Vegas, but that’s something we can discuss later.

I shake his hand. “I look forward to working with you in the future.”

“As do I. By the way, a letter was dropped off for you while you were busy.”

Ice courses through my veins. “A letter?”

“Yes. It’s in your room.”

“Who delivered it?”

Jafar’s dark eyebrow lifts. “A courier. Why?”

Brooks meets my gaze and I know he’s thinking the same thing. Is this the same person who sent DeLeon a letter or is this Smith?

“Someone has been threatening members of the Brotherhood.”

“Ah. Well, I suppose that is to be expected now and then.”

I dip my head. “I suppose it is. Thank you, again, for all of your help. Look me up when you’re in Vegas.”

He grins, showing off his teeth. “My wife is expecting soon, so it’ll be a while before we can get away, but I’ll take you up on the offer when we do make it to Vegas.”

He shakes my hand before my men and I leave.

In the hallway, Brooks asks, “Think it’s from Smith or from whoever killed DeLeon?”

“Only one way to find out.”



Donna pats my back as I finish vomiting. I lean back, resting my head against the wall.

“Morning sickness,” I scoff. “What a joke to call it that.”

I had no intentions of telling anyone that I’m pregnant, but Donna came over a few days ago and found me being sick. Since then, she hasn’t left my side and now knows my big secret.

She hands me a glass of water. “Poor thing. Let’s get you into bed and I’ll make you some more broth.”

She helps me stand and I make my way to my bed. Once I’m settled, she goes to the kitchen to get my broth. It’s one of the only things I can keep down.

“Have you reached out to Mr. Moretti?”

I shake my head. “No.”


“Donna, he’s out there doing what needs to be done to protect our family.” I put my hand on my stomach. “When he gets back, I’m going to tell him. I swear.”

She nods, though I know she doesn’t like it.

I take a sip of the broth, letting it soothe my upset stomach.
