Page 103 of Violent God

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“I understand many of you have questions, and I hope to answer those questions today.”

Blanc stands. “Elite Member Moretti, you must give us the name of the accused Brother so that he may step forward and defend himself.”

Smith won’t be able to defend himself. Not when I’m done with him.

I say, “I call upon Peter Zhang.”

More murmurs fill the room. Smith looks smug as Zhang walks to the spot on the floor where the accused is supposed to stand. Zhang looks down at the spot before joining me at my side.

“Elite Member Moretti and I call upon…” His voice trails off as he looks around the room for a pregnant moment. “…Gerald Smith.”

Smith’s eyes widen, but he stands. “Surely there’s some kind of mistake.”

Blanc says, “You’ve been called upon, Smith. Join your Brothers in the circle.” When Smith doesn’t move, Blanc adds, “Now.”

Smith makes his way to the circle, standing in the spot of the accused.

“Gentlemen, I demand to know what this is about.”

I say, “You have no right to speak. From this moment forward, you will be silent until all charges and truths have been brought to light.”

Smith glares but closes his fucking mouth.

Zhang says, “I’ve been a member of The Defiant God Brotherhood longer than many of you have been alive. I’ve seen people come and go. Friends. People I was glad to never see again once they were gone. Until today I thought I had seen it all, but then I spoke with Elite Member Moretti, and he made me realize that I was wrong.” He points to Smith. “Gerald Smith is the worst kind of lowlife. Today, we lay everything on the table and allow him a chance to respond to our claims.”

Blanc nods. “And what is the outcome that you seek?”

“Death,” I answer. “Smith has betrayed the Brotherhood and death is the only way justice can be served.”

Smith glares but remains silent.

I look to the other members and say, “Hugo DeLeon received a letter that resulted in his death. Two months ago, every Elite Member received a similar letter, though there was something off about it. Not only were we threatened, but our families were threatened, too. Everyone except for Smith. You will each be receiving a text message from Brother Henderson. In it, you will find every item of proof that I’ll be bringing up tonight.”

Phones are pulled out and I see shock etched on several faces as they read through the charges. For the next forty minutes, I read off charge after charge against Smith. He’s silent, but his face grows so red that I wonder if he’s about to have a heart attack.

When I’m finished, I turn to Smith. “You may respond.”

“This is an outrage. You men can’t seriously believe a word he just said!”

Blanc says, “Smith, do not address the Members. Your only task right now is to defend yourself. If you cannot do that, then we will move onto the voting.”

Smith blanches. “No. I will defend myself.” Glaring, he turns to me. “You have no actual proof that I sent the emails to the Elite Members, except for the word of a man employed by you.”

“I employed him, but he was a plant by you. He’s here right now. Let’s bring him down so he can tell everyone what he knows.”

Smith says, “That is against the rules.”

Blanc shakes his head. “I say what’s against the rules, or have you forgotten? Bring in the driver.”

My former driver is brought in from one of the side rooms. He’s been roughed up and is bound so he can’t run. When he sees Smith, he openly weeps.

“Help me, Uncle! They’re going to kill me!”

I face the Brotherhood, pointing to Neil. “This man is Smith’s nephew. Adopted by his only sister and trained to be a spy. Isn’t that right, Neil?”

He nods. “Yes, it’s true. Please don’t kill me!”

Smith says, “You call this proof? The boy is lying!”
